Kuwait Times

KISR creates unique environmen­t to develop talents


KUWAIT: The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) creates a unique environmen­t and ground to develop science and talents in the country, said a KISR official on Monday. Speaking to KUNA, Manager of the Energy Efficiency Technologi­es Program at KISR Dr Fotouh Al-Ragom — who recently was chosen as the 2024 Associatio­n of Energy Engineers (AEE) Energy Managers Hall of Fame Inductee — said that this honor reflected Kuwaiti scientists’ talents in the global arena.

She affirmed her great pride in being chosen by the American associatio­n, noting that the selection was based on her achievemen­ts in the field of energy management, whether in the field of research or invention. Dr Al-Ragom, who has many accolades, including a 2013 research on production hydrogen via separating water molecules through chemical means, indicated that KISR played a crucial role in allowing her to pursue science excellence through research and experiment­ation.

Such support would help in finding solutions to challenges facing the region and world within energy, water, and environmen­t protection, which in turn would contribute to the UN Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), she added. KISR had contribute­d immensely in decreasing the state’s financial burdens, especially within power generation and lessening electrical grid overload in Kuwait, she said. Dr Al-Ragom stressed the need to boost the capabiliti­es of KISR, taking strategic steps to increase the institute’s budget and financiall­y support research and developmen­t (R&D) budgets through public and private sector involvemen­t and contributi­on. — KUNA

 ?? ?? KUWAIT: This picture shows a building housing the Central Bank of Kuwait headquarte­rs (right) and the Kuwait’s Grand Mosque - the largest mosque in the country (centre-right). — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat
KUWAIT: This picture shows a building housing the Central Bank of Kuwait headquarte­rs (right) and the Kuwait’s Grand Mosque - the largest mosque in the country (centre-right). — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat
 ?? ?? Manager of the Energy Efficiency Technologi­es Program at KISR Dr Fotouh Al-Ragom
Manager of the Energy Efficiency Technologi­es Program at KISR Dr Fotouh Al-Ragom

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