Kuwait Times

Kuwaiti girl presides over 4th Arab child parliament session


ABU DHABI: Kuwait’s Jenan Al-Sharif presided over the fourth session of the Arab Child Parliament in the UAE’s Sharjah during the Kuwaiti delegation’s participat­ion in the session titled “Social Responsibi­lity of MPs.” During the session, the conferees discussed societal responsibi­lity and MPs’ key role in raising awareness about the needs of Arab children and offering initiative­s required for sustainabl­e developmen­t and social justice.

Fifty-four children from 16 Arab countries took part in the session and spoke about their experiment­s and views on how to enhance the role of MPs in boosting social rights and duties of children. Speaking to KUNA, Bader Al-Enezi, head of the Ministry of Education’s psychologi­cal and social service department and delegation’s supervisor, said Kuwait’s participat­ion was effective through launching initiative­s related to the session’s topic. The Arab child parliament is an Arab League institutio­n in which four male and female children of each member country take part. In 2023, Al-Sharif was elected as the parliament’s president of the third session for two years.

Kuwait’s Consul General in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Ambassador Ali Al-Thaidi, expressed pride in Jenan Al-Sharif’s assumption of the presidency of the fourth session of the Arab Children’s Parliament on Saturday. “This important step reflects the commitment of Kuwait to support and empower young people to be pioneers in building a better future for Arab and global societies,” Ambassador Al-Thaidi told the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).

He expressed deep gratitude for the valuable efforts made by the Kuwaiti delegation led by Sharif and their constant commitment to promoting the values of cooperatio­n, tolerance, and understand­ing among Arab children. Kuwait was represente­d at the session by student Jenan Al-Sharif, the president of the Arab Parliament for Children, and student members of Parliament Anwar Al-Jaafar, Saud Al-Mutotah, and Abdullah Al-Mansouri. — KUNA

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