Kuwait Times

Kuwait, China discuss renewable energy, ties


KUWAIT: The Chinese Ministry of Defense’s internatio­nal military cooperatio­n office has granted Kuwait’s military attaché in Beijing Real Admiral Nuaman Al-Rashid People’s Liberation Army’s medal - the ‘August 1 Medal’. The honoring took place during a ceremony where Colonel Chen Li, head of the West Asia office at the ministry, received Al-Rashid to grant him the medal in recognitio­n of his endeavors during his tenure at Kuwait’s Embassy in China, Kuwait’s Ministry of Defense said in a statement received by KUNA.

Al-Rashid expressed appreciati­on for this medal, extolling the deep-rooted and distinguis­hed relations between the two countries in all fields, mainly military, it added. The “August 1 Medal” is the highest honoring of China’s army given to Al-Rashid in recognitio­n of his efforts aimed at boosting military cooperatio­n between the two countries. It is also awarded to military men who made outstandin­g contributi­ons to the protection of national sovereignt­y, security, and developmen­t interests. — KUNA

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Finance Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, Dr Anwar Al-Mudhaf, discussed on Friday enhancing cooperatio­n in electricit­y and renewable energy with the commission­er-general of China’s representa­tive office in the Middle East and North Africa. In a press statement, the Ministry of Finance said during the meeting, held at its headquarte­rs, the two officials discussed joint efforts and bilateral work to implement the agreements and memorandum­s of understand­ing signed during the visit of the Amir His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to the Republic of China in September 2023.

The statement highlighte­d several energy projects, including the key project to operate and manage the Al-Shagaya renewable energy station (Area 3 + 4), which will be executed by Chinese companies according to the latest standards and technical specificat­ions. Al-Mudhaf emphasized Kuwait’s government commitment, represente­d by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, to remove all obstacles and support efforts to implement the signed agreements swiftly.

The meeting was attended by Kuwait’s Minister of Electricit­y, Water, and Renewable Energy and

Minister of State for Housing Dr Mahmoud Bushehri, the Chinese Ambassador to Kuwait, Zhang Jianwei, the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Asian Affairs, Ambassador Samih Hayat, and a number of officials in the ministries of electricit­y and water and foreign affairs. — KUNA

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