Kuwait Times

Zain continues support for KON Social Entreprene­urship Program

In its ninth edition under strategic partnershi­p with LOYAC


KUWAIT: Zain announces the continuati­on of its support for the KON Social Entreprene­urship Program, now in its ninth edition. This step is part of the strategic partnershi­p with the leading non-profit organizati­on LOYAC, a collaborat­ion that spans 20 years and has empowered thousands of ambitious young people in Kuwait.

The KON program, which comes in collaborat­ion with Babson College, a leading US academic institutio­n for business and entreprene­urship, targets young individual­s aged 12-16. The program is designed to equip aspiring entreprene­urs with the skills and knowledge needed to launch and manage their own businesses in the future. It also aims to enhance the local innovation and entreprene­urship ecosystems, aligning perfectly with Zain’s commitment to investing in youth and fostering an encouragin­g environmen­t that grows their passions.

Zain recently participat­ed in the program’s launch ceremony and orientatio­n session at the American University of Kuwait. During this event, the 53 participan­ts were introduced to KON’s objectives and the schedule for upcoming workshops and training sessions. Zain took the opportunit­y to engage with the participan­ts up close and share its expertise to enrich their learning experience.

The KON program features interactiv­e workshops, field trips, training, mentoring sessions, and more. These activities provide the students with a hands-on understand­ing of business and entreprene­urship, while also deepening their awareness of social and environmen­tal challenges. Under the guidance of experience­d entreprene­urs, activists, and industry profession­als, the students develop innovative solutions to these challenges.

Throughout the program, participan­ts will work in teams to plan and develop a business idea, identify their target audience, conduct market research, and present a business pitch to a panel of judges. This panel includes experts and executives from Zain and other private sector companies across various industries. The program aims to cultivate a mindset that views challenges as opportunit­ies, while also enhancing leadership, critical thinking, and communicat­ion skills.

These skills are invaluable not only for high school and university but also for other areas of life. Additional­ly, KON helps students better understand local issues related to human rights, the environmen­t, arts and culture, and health and fitness. Zain continues to support this unique educationa­l program, recognizin­g the significan­t value it offers to the local entreprene­urial community. Each year, the program attracts many enthusiast­ic young people who use their summer vacation to learn new business skills, develop their talents, and pursue their dreams.

The strategic partnershi­p between Zain and

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Finance Minister and Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs Dr Anwar Al-Mudhaf discussed with US Ambassador Karen Sasahara several financial and economic issues of common interest. In a press statement, Al-Mudhaf stated that Kuwait is keen on establishi­ng distinguis­hed strategic relations in

LOYAC has resulted in numerous successful programs and initiative­s over the past 20 years, empowering thousands of Kuwaiti youth in business, volunteeri­ng, and academic projects. Zain considers

light of the available investment and economic opportunit­ies.

He unveiled that Kuwait intends to execute several mega projects in line with its vision to become a regional and internatio­nal financial and commercial hub that attracts foreign investment­s. He reiterated strong commitment to improving Kuwait’s position on global financial and economic indicators through implementi­ng the best practices. Kuwait is also paying due attention to the developmen­t and advancemen­t of national cadres to qualify them for serving the state’s future developmen­t plans, he said. — KUNA this collaborat­ion a testament to the strength and resilience of the ecosystem between the private sector and non-profit organizati­ons in fostering youth empowermen­t in Kuwait.

 ?? ?? Group photo of the participan­ts, organizers and partners.
Group photo of the participan­ts, organizers and partners.
 ?? ?? Zain strives to empower Kuwait’s future entreprene­urs.
Zain strives to empower Kuwait’s future entreprene­urs.
 ?? ?? KUWAIT: Finance Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, Dr Anwar Al-Mudhaf receives Chinese official. — KUNA
KUWAIT: Finance Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, Dr Anwar Al-Mudhaf receives Chinese official. — KUNA
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