Kuwait Times

German industry turns to solar in race to slash energy costs

Industrial, commercial solar installati­ons up 81 percent in early 2024


BERLIN: For months, Philip Matthias tried to convince his father to install solar panels on their company’s roof in the eastern German state of Thuringia, aiming to cut electricit­y costs and carbon emissions at the metal products factory. Initially skeptical of the 2.3-million-euro ($2.5 million) investment, a substantia­l sum for the medium-sized Tridelta, his father crunched the numbers and decided to nearly double the project capacity, opting to install photovolta­ic modules that could power around 900 households in addition to the factory.

“The PV systems amortize after about 7-1/2 years. The manufactur­er gives a guarantee of 20 years. That means this is an extremely lucrative investment,” Matthias told Reuters.

Since the war in Ukraine and the sudden drop in Russia fossil fuel exports to Germany, Berlin has introduced laws to accelerate solar power expansion, part of its plan to cover 80 percent of the country’s energy from renewables by 2030. Encouraged by a feed-in tariff providing a guaranteed price to renewable energy producers selling their power, as well as reduced solar panel costs, German companies are increasing­ly turning to solar to get around high energy costs.

Although Germany has Europe’s biggest capacity of solar and wind power generation, its small and medium-sized companies have yet to benefit from lower electricit­y prices because of high grid fees and taxes they must pay. By generating their own solar power, they avoid those fees and taxes. Companies consumed around 69 percent of Germany’s national electricit­y in 2023, data by the BDEW utilities associatio­n showed.

“As electricit­y prices in Germany show no signs of decreasing as previously anticipate­d, companies are increasing­ly recognizin­g the economic viability of installing solar panels,” said Marie-Theres Husken, an energy expert for the BVMW associatio­n for smalland medium-sized businesses.

Newly installed photovolta­ic capacity on business rooftops rose by 81 percent year-on-year in the first four months of the year, outpacing the 1 percent growth in the residentia­l sector, data by the BSW solar power associatio­n shows. A May survey by pollster YouGov showed more than half of German companies with suitable roofs planned to install solar power systems in the next three years. BVMW forecasts that nearly all manufactur­ing companies in Germany will use solar energy by 2030.

In response to increasing demand, Germany’s largest residentia­l solar power developer, Enpal, said in April it was expanding into the commercial sector. “The demand was not as instant... but the growth is going to be very sustainabl­e,” Melchior Schulze Brock, CEO of commercial and industrial solar startup Enviria. An April study by the Freiburg-based Institute for Applied Ecology showed there was potential to install up to 287 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity, more than enough to meet Berlin’s 2030 target of 215 GW, along German roads, railways, parking lots, and industrial areas. This could significan­tly reduce reliance on agricultur­al land where permitting and planning approvals can take up to a decade. A drop in solar panel prices globally since last year has spurred companies to embrace solar energy.

“The market is overrun with cheap but good panels from China. That means that the system that we are building now is about 20 percent cheaper than a year ago,” Matthias said. A German legislativ­e package passed in April easing regulation and increasing subsidies for large rooftop systems as well as a pending tax investment reform for real estate funds operating rooftop solar panels, is expected to drive demand further.

State feed-in subsidies for large scale rooftop photovolta­ic projects, introduced in 2021 and which are selected via tender, have also boosted the trend. The last tender for the subsidized projects in February saw a 107 percent rise in the number of offers year-onyear, data by the federal grid network agency showed. A feed-in tariff of 9.3 euros cents per kilowatt-hour, higher than Tridelta’s power purchasing price, makes it currently cheaper for the company to sell future generated electricit­y to the grid and buy it back, Matthias said. Germany’s economy ministry declined to comment on companies’ electricit­y trading strategies. “There’s a high correlatio­n between the feed-in tariffs and the build-up of solar PV roof top projects,” Hugo Willink, Executive Director at solar roofs developer Sunrock told Reuters.

Sunrock, which won an order from Mercedes Benz in May to build a 23-megawatt solar project on the carmaker’s factory roofs, sees Germany as its core market for the coming year. – Reuters

 ?? ?? Houses with solar panels on the roofs are seen in Herzogenau­rach, southern Germany. - AFP
Houses with solar panels on the roofs are seen in Herzogenau­rach, southern Germany. - AFP

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