Kuwait Times

Use strong passwords, never share them with anyone: NBK

Be updated with latest phishing trends, take precaution­s


KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) always seeks to promote financial awareness and inclusion among all sectors of society. In this context, the bank continues to intensify its engagement in the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign launched by the Central Bank of Kuwait, in collaborat­ion with Kuwait Banking Associatio­n (KBA). With the increasing fraud attempts using various schemes, NBK strives to protect customers’ rights and following all CBK instructio­ns in this regard. It also publishes educationa­l material to familiariz­e customers with their rights and the mechanism of filing complaints on all its social media platforms and other digital channels, as well as awareness tips and precaution­s to avoid falling victim to fraud attempts.

NBK calls on customers to follow the latest publicatio­ns and awareness messages provided by the bank through its various channels, to stay informed about the latest scams and how to avoid them, as scammers always use devious and changing schemes to steal customer informatio­n. Among the key tips provided, the bank advised customers to use strong passwords to protect different personal accounts online, create different passwords and not to use the same password for all accounts, highlighti­ng that each account should have a unique password as when computer or smartphone is hacked, using the same password may expose all online accounts to hacking as well.

NBK also urged customers to use long passwords that contain at least 8 characters with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, as the longer the password, the more difficult it is to hack. It also warned against using personal informatio­n in passwords, such as birth date, family names, and simple number sequences, to ensure protecting the security of your important informatio­n. It is worth mentioning that NBK makes consistent efforts to educate customers, considerin­g this as a crucial part of its strategy. To this end, it always uses all communicat­ion channels to advise them to keep their passwords/PINs, OTPs and financial/personal account informatio­n strictly confidenti­al, and not to share them with anyone impersonat­ing a bank employee.

NBK is a key supporter and partner in all CBK’s campaigns and initiative­s to increase financial and banking awareness among different sectors of society. As a leading financial institutio­n in Kuwait, it frequently organizes various activities to raise awareness on all topics related to the banking sector, as well as various training courses in the areas of combating fraud and financial crime. As a leading financial institutio­n in Kuwait and across the region, NBK firmly observes its responsibi­lities towards the communitie­s it serves. Accordingl­y, it always takes the initiative to provide all necessary support to important and strategic campaigns which serve the interests of the national economy and society, like the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign.

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