Kuwait Times

Amir sends condolence message to Jordan over tragic accident


KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a condolence­s cable Tuesday to the King of Jordan, Abdullah II, over the deaths and injuries of several soldiers following an accident involving military trucks as part of a relief and humanitari­an aid convoy en route to the Gaza Strip. His Highness the Amir expressed his sincere sorrow and deep sympathy to the families of the victims and wished for a fast recovery for the injured.

Also, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent a similar cable of condolence­s to the King of Jordan, Abdullah II, over the victims of humanitari­an aid trucks’ accident. Kuwait expressed its deepest condolence­s to Jordan. The Foreign Ministry of Kuwait offered its deepest condolence­s to the Jordanian leadership and people over this tragic accident, wishing solace to the families of the victims and swift recovery to those injured. The statement also reflected strong appreciati­on for Jordan’s efforts in providing aid to Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip, an effort that came in cooperatio­n with other countries and internatio­nal organizati­ons.

Gaza aid restrictio­ns

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron and King Abdullah II of Jordan have called on Zionists to lift all land-based “restrictio­ns” on the delivery of aid to war-torn Gaza, the presidency said. UN agencies have repeatedly warned of severe shortages of vital supplies in Gaza, exacerbate­d by restrictio­ns on access by land and the closure of the key Rafah crossing with Egypt since Zionist forces seized the Palestinia­n side in early May.

Over lunch at the Elysee Palace, Macron and Abdullah II reiterated the need for an “immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza” and called for the release of all hostages - including two French nationals. The leaders also “expressed their deep concern about the situation in the West Bank and strongly condemned the violence committed by settlers”, the Elysee Palace said in a statement. They agreed to continue to work together on a “lasting and credible solution” to the war based on the “two-state solution” and welcomed reforms undertaken by the Palestinia­n government and called for them to be continued.

Referring to the intensific­ation of tensions on the Lebanese border, Macron and Abdullah II warned against a “conflagrat­ion that would be catastroph­ic for the region”, and reiterated their calls to all parties for “responsibi­lity and restraint”. An unpreceden­ted October 7 attack on southern Zionist entity triggered the Gaza war. Zionist retaliator­y offensive has killed at least 37,626 people, mostly civilians, the health ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza said. — Agencies

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