Kuwait Times

Iranians split on presidenti­al vote as hardships mount


TEHRAN: With less than a week remaining before a presidenti­al election, Iranians are divided over whether voting will address pressing economic issues and mandatory hijab laws. Iranians head to the polls on June 28 to choose from six candidates — five conservati­ves and a relative reformist — to succeed Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month. The election comes as Iran grapples with economic pressures and internatio­nal sanctions.

“They promise change, but won’t do much,” said Hamid Habibi, a 54-year-old shop owner at Tehran’s bustling Grand Bazar. “I’ve watched the debates and campaigns; they speak beautifull­y but need to back their words with action,” he said. Despite his skepticism, Habibi plans to vote next week.

The candidates have held two debates, each pledging to tackle the financial challenges impacting the country’s 85 million people. “The economic situation is deteriorat­ing daily, and I don’t foresee any improvemen­ts,” said Fariba, a 30-year-old who runs an online store. “Regardless of who wins, our lives won’t change,” she said.

‘No difference’

Others, like 57-year-old baker Taghi Dodangeh, remain hopeful. “Change is certain,” he said, viewing voting as a religious duty and national obligation. But Jowzi, a 61-year-old housewife, expressed doubts, especially about the candidate line-up. “There’s hardly any difference­s between the six,” she said. “One cannot say any of them belongs to a different group.”

Iran’s Guardian Council approved six candidates after disqualify­ing most moderates and reformists. Leading contenders include conservati­ve parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, ultraconse­rvative former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and the sole reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian. Keshvar, a 53-year-old mother, intends to vote for the candidate with the most robust economic plan. “Young people are grappling with economic hardships,” she said. “Raisi made efforts, but on the ground, things didn’t change much for the general public, and they were unhappy.” In the 2021 election that brought Raisi to power, many voters stayed away, resulting in a participat­ion rate just under 49 percent — the lowest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has urged a high voter turnout. Yet, 26-year-old shopkeeper Mahdi Zeinali said he would only vote if a candidate proves to be “the right person”. This election comes at a turbulent time, with the Zionist entity’s war on Gaza, which it claims is to destroy Iran-backed Palestinia­n group Hamas, along with ongoing diplomatic tensions over Iran’s nuclear program.

Compulsory hijab laws remain contentiou­s, particular­ly since mass protests triggered by the 2022 death in custody of Mahsa Amini. Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, was detained for an alleged breach of Iran’s dress code for women, who are required to cover their heads and necks and wear modest clothing in public. Despite increased enforcemen­t, many women, especially in Tehran, defy the dress code.

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