Kuwait Times

AAW, Roche introduce Elevidys medication

A testament to the dedication to pediatric care


KUWAIT: In partnershi­p with the Ministry of Health, Ali Abdulwahab Al Mutawa Commercial Co (AAW), and the Swiss multinatio­nal healthcare company Roche, announced today the successful registrati­on and introducti­on of Elevidys to Kuwait, the first approved disease-modifying therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic muscle-wasting disease. This achievemen­t is part of the ongoing collaborat­ion between the parties that aims to bring the latest advancemen­ts and cutting-edge therapies to Kuwait’s healthcare sector, address unmet medical needs, and improve the quality of life for patients in the country.

Elevidys is designed to address the underlying cause of Duchenne. It targets skeletal, respirator­y, and cardiac muscle expression of shortened dystrophin. The innovative therapy is a one-time treatment administer­ed through a single intravenou­s dose, and represents a significan­t milestone in the field of Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment, providing a convenient and effective solution for patients in Kuwait.

Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre Clinical Genetics Specialist, Dr Hadeel Alrohaif, said, “As healthcare providers dedicated to serving patients with rare genetic disorders, we are thrilled about the registrati­on of Elevidys as a potential treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This milestone directly targets the genetic cause of the condition, adding hope for improved outcomes. The registrati­on of Elevidys in Kuwait is a crucial step in our efforts to enhance the lives of DMD patients. We eagerly anticipate its positive impact on their well-being and quality of life.”

Adan Hospital Consultant Pediatric Neurologis­t and Head of Pediatric Neurology, Dr Sara Alenezi, said, “Kuwait’s swift registrati­on of DMD gene therapy ahead of developed countries is a testament to the dedication to pediatric care. It demonstrat­es a proactive approach to addressing the urgent needs of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, setting a commendabl­e example for other nations in improving outcomes for pediatric patients worldwide.”

Roche Country Manager, Ahmed Tawfik, stated, “Roche is proud to collaborat­e with the Kuwait Ministry of Health and AAW in serving patients with DMD and all patients in Kuwait. Our shared commitment to improving healthcare and providing innovative solutions drives us to work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of patients.” AAW CEO and Chairman, Faisal Al Mutawa said, “Our partnershi­p with Roche for over 70 years and our commitment to the Kuwait healthcare community has made us pioneers in leading Kuwait’s healthcare landscape and introducin­g innovative medication­s.

The swift registrati­on of Elevidys is a great example of our excellent cooperatio­n with the regulatory authority at the Ministry of Health, and our commitment to enhancing patient care and providing access to innovative treatment for every patient in Kuwait.” Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceut­icals and diagnostic­s, focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. It is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differenti­ated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmol­ogy and diseases of the central nervous system.

AAW is one of the largest trading and commercial companies in Kuwait and operates in multiple consumer, pharmaceut­ical, and retail sectors. The company’s pharmaceut­ical division is one of the company’s oldest divisions with operations spanning over 70 years and a portfolio of global products from global pharmaceut­ical companies, such as Roche. It is also one of the major suppliers to the Ministry of Health, hospitals and pharmacies in Kuwait.

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