Kuwait Times

Transformi­ng lives in special needs school

- By Harichanda­na PD

KUWAIT: Educating children with special needs is a deeply rewarding yet challengin­g vocation. Two dedicated teachers, Nayana Santhosh, the Head of Department and Kiran Kumar VB, a special educator, in a special needs school in Kuwait, share their insights, experience­s, and perspectiv­es on what it means to teach and care for special needs students. Their stories offer a profound look into the passion, dedication, and resilience required to serve as an epitome of hope and, to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these children.


For Nayana, the journey into special education was deeply personal. “I became a special need teacher because I wanted to help children who face unique challenges. Seeing them learn and grow makes me happy. I enjoy making sure every student feels important and can succeed”, she explained. Growing up with an autistic uncle who struggled due to the lack of educationa­l support made her realize the importance of providing such opportunit­ies to others.

Kiran’s motivation stems from a broader desire to make a significan­t impact. “Special education teachers want to make a difference in the lives of the students who are not being successful in school. Their passion is not for a single subject but for helping a students learn strategies to overcome disabiliti­es”, he said. Nayana highlights the many small victories that accumulate to create deeply rewarding moments.

She recalls a student named Dana who, despite severe cerebral palsy, managed to write her name for the first time with the help of an accommodat­ion pen. “Seeing the joy and pride on her face was unforgetta­ble. It encapsulat­ed why I became a special needs teacher”, she said. Kiran’s proudest moment came when he received an award from the government of Kerala for his best practices in the disability sector, highlighti­ng his significan­t contributi­ons and recognitio­n in the field.

Teaching approach

Both educators stress the importance of personaliz­ed approaches. Nayana uses a variety of teaching methods and tools, including visual aids, hands-on activities, assistive technologi­es, and individual­ized lesson plans. She emphasizes creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environmen­t. For her, success includes improvemen­ts in social skills, communicat­ion, independen­ce and overall well-being.

Kiran adapts his teaching modalities to each child’s needs, using IEPs and IFSPs as key tools. He employs psychologi­cal interventi­ons and behavior management techniques, such as functional analysis and the ABC technique, to handle challengin­g behaviors. He relies on criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests, alongside teacher-made tests, to measure academic advancemen­ts. He celebrates the remarkable progress of a deaf-blind student who, after his training sessions, became independen­t and secured a job as a bank employee.

Staying motivated

Teaching children with diverse needs in a single classroom is a significan­t challenge. Both the teachers agree. Nayana stays motivated by focusing on her students’ progress and achievemen­ts, collaborat­ing with colleagues, and practicing self-care. Kiran finds intrinsic motivation in the daily developmen­t of his students, viewing each day as an opportunit­y for growth. Nayana advises patience, empathy, flexibilit­y, collaborat­ion, and continuous learning for aspiring teachers in this field. “Celebrate small victories. These victories are significan­t and rewarding for both you and your students”, she said. Kiran encourages thoughtful considerat­ion before choosing this career, emphasizin­g the profound impact and gratitude it brings.

Hope and perseveran­ce

Nayana’s message is one of hope and belief: “Every student has incredible potential and unique gifts. With patience, understand­ing, and the right support, they can achieve great things and inspire us all.” Kiran echoes this sentiment, emphasizin­g perseveran­ce: “Disabled children may not learn in one day, but surely they will learn one day.” Through their dedication, compassion, and innovative teaching methods, Nayana and Kiran illuminate the path for special needs education, showing that with the right support, every child can thrive, hence, transformi­ng lives through heartfelt teaching.

 ?? ?? Nayana Santhosh
Nayana Santhosh
 ?? ?? Kiran Kumar VB
Kiran Kumar VB

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