Kuwait Times

With graduation season ongoing, people reflect on meaning of success

- By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: For some, success is about serving and uplifting oneself or community, while for others, it’s about securing financial stability and thriving in career accomplish­ments. These diverse interpreta­tions stem from individual beliefs, values, and interests. Kuwait Times interviewe­d individual­s from various background­s to explore their unique philosophi­es on this multifacet­ed concept.

For Safa’a, a middle-aged Arabic headteache­r at one of Kuwait’s private schools, success is defined by harnessing her passion to achieve financial stability. Despite societal norms that equalize success with marriage and parenthood, Safa’a challenges this notion. “Although I am not married and I do not have kids, I still believe in family, and I take care of my father. However, I find fulfillmen­t through succeeding in my career as an Arabic headteache­r, which has been my passion since my days at college. Arabic literature and poetry are where I find my purpose” she said. Unlike those who strive for success through years of hard work, Safa’a has embraced her journey with enjoyment, excelling in her profession and earning both personal and financial rewards along the way. “I am a single woman, I do not have kids, but my students are my kids,” she said.

Zainab Dashti said there is no certain thing that defines success. “However, there are characteri­stics of a successful personalit­y such as being open minded, continuous­ly learning, and actualizin­g yourself through recognizin­g your own talents and capabiliti­es. These things are what make one a successful human being regardless of their career, status, wealth or any other possession­s. Also, a person who contribute­s to society and makes a positive difference is a successful person, no matter what kind of contributi­on that was. It can be something like keeping the streets clean or something like volunteeri­ng to help others who need help.”

According to Mohammad Hasan, a middle-aged father of three, success means keeping peace in your family or community, not just achieving things for yourself. “It’s more important to spend time and effort on your kids than anything else, in other words, invest in your kid, and keep in touch with your relatives, friends and be good to people,” he said. Hasan believes in accomplish­ing one’s duties towards society, even if nowadays people often focus more on doing their own thing and reaching personal goals.

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