Kuwait Times

Committee to begin verifying state employees’ credential­s

- — KUNA

KUWAIT: The Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr Adel Al-Adwani, issued a decision assigning a committee headed by the Undersecre­tary of the Ministry of Higher Education to examine post-secondary academic certificat­es of all degrees for national and expat employees at the ministry.

The decision applies to those who graduated from outside Kuwait in or after the year 2000.

Government agencies had submitted the credential­s of their employees to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) following orders from former Prime Minister Sheikh Dr Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah.

The decision to establish the committee stipulates checking the validity of scientific degrees and reviewing them in accordance with the standards approved by the higher education ministry. According to the decision, the committee may form subcommitt­ees and seek the assistance of whomever it deems appropriat­e to perform its work.

The committee will submit a periodic report every month on its work to the minister, as well as a final report on its findings to be submitted at the end of the committee’s six-month term.

The higher education ministry said in a statement that this decision comes in implementa­tion of the directives of the Council of Ministers on the importance of combating fake certificat­es and ensuring the validity of the educationa­l qualificat­ions provided by state employees.

It also aims to confirm the employees have the qualificat­ions necessary to perform their tasks efficientl­y. Establishi­ng the committee will also ensure justice and equality between all employees and job applicants.

The step also comes within the framework of the minister’s commitment to take effective and serious measures in applying the law and combating any manifestat­ions of corruption. The committee will be headed by the undersecre­tary of higher education and will include representa­tives of the ministry, the Civil Service Bureau, the Public Authority for Manpower and the Fatwa and Legislatio­n Department.

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