Kuwait Times

Official: Kuwait backs Arab action towards industrial integratio­n


RABAT: Acting Director General of the Public Authority for Industry Mohammad Al-Adwani affirmed on Friday that the State of Kuwait is keen to support joint Arab initiative­s, especially in the field of industrial developmen­t, which leads to achieving industrial integratio­n among Arab countries.

Adwani made the remarks during the launch of the Arab Strategy for Standardiz­ation and Quality for the period 2024-2028 during the General Assembly of the Arab Industrial Developmen­t, Standardiz­ation and Mining Organizati­on, which kicked off Thursday in Rabat, with the participat­ion of a number of industry ministers and representa­tives of Arab countries.

“Our keenness stems from the depth of our belief in joint Arab action,” he said. He added that the adoption of the Arab strategy for standardiz­ation and quality for the next four years comes to strengthen and develop Arab standard specificat­ions and establish an infrastruc­ture for standardiz­ation and quality in the Arab region. The strategy will eventually lead to the consecrati­on of Arab economic integratio­n and raising the quality of Arab products in line with regional standards.

Adwani pointed to the role Kuwait plays in the work of the Arab Organizati­on for Industrial Developmen­t, Standardiz­ation and Mining, which is concerned with industrial developmen­t, standardiz­ation and mining, and to which the State of Kuwait contribute­s abundantly. Representi­ng the State of Kuwait, Adwani participat­ed in various sessions hosted by the organizati­on as part of the general assembly.

The officials also discussed means to develop the region’s mining sector, which aimed at “increasing investment and ensuring the sustainabl­e developmen­t” of the sector, Director-General of the Organizati­on Adel Al-Saqer said in an earlier statement.

Saqer had also stressed that the organizati­on is committed to focusing on the adoption of modern technologi­es, including artificial intelligen­ce, to enhance innovation and sustainabl­e industrial developmen­t.

The meeting highlighte­d several topics, including reviewing the outcome of the partnershi­p between the United Nations Industrial Developmen­t Organizati­on (UNIDO) and the Arab Industrial Developmen­t, Standardiz­ation and Mining Organizati­on and the prospects for their future partnershi­p, in addition to a presentati­on by the World Society for Food Legislatio­n Science on the Arab Codex Initiative, the Industrial Integratio­n Strategy and a review of its general framework.

During the meeting, a number of memorandum­s of understand­ing were also signed, most notably the memorandum of understand­ing between the Gulf Organizati­on for Industrial Consulting, based in Doha, Qatar, and the Arab Industrial Developmen­t, Standardiz­ation and Mining Organizati­on to exchange experience­s and knowledge in the field of preparing industrial strategies. — Agencies

 ?? — KUNA ?? RABAT: Acting Director General of the Public Authority for Industry Mohammad Al-Adwani is seen at the meeting.
— KUNA RABAT: Acting Director General of the Public Authority for Industry Mohammad Al-Adwani is seen at the meeting.

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