Kuwait Times

Thailand showcases medical tourism excellence in Kuwait

- By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: Thailand welcomed 79,255 Kuwaiti tourists in 2023, up from

44,334 tourists in 2022,

Thai officials said at an event held Thursday.

The event, “Thailand

Medical, Healthcare and

Wellness Networking

2024”, was held by the

Thai Embassy in Kuwait on the sidelines of the 13th Kuwait Medica

Conference and Exhibition on June 6-7, 2024.

Ambassador of Thailand to Kuwait Ekapol Poolpipat, in his opening remarks, reaffirmed Thailand’s commitment to being a world-class destinatio­n for medical and wellness tourism. He highlighte­d the country’s state-of-the-art hospitals and wellness centers, renowned Thai hospitalit­y, highly experience­d medical profession­als, cutting-edge technology, affordable costs, shorter waiting times, accessible facilities, and beautiful tourist attraction­s.

The event served as a platform for representa­tives from five Thai hospitals - Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok Hospital Phuket, BPK9 Internatio­nal Hospital, Sukhumvit Hospital, and Piyavate Hospital - to showcase their expertise and excellence in medical, health, and wellness services.

Sutipa Thirapatsa­kul, Deputy Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Dubai Office, said the Thai government’s policies and promotiona­l measures support medical and wellness tourism in Thailand.

Last year, Thailand welcomed 20 million tourists. Currently, 62 Thai clinics and hospitals are accredited by the Joint Commission Internatio­nal (JCI), a global healthcare accreditat­ion organizati­on. The Royal Thai Government is committed to promoting medical tourism as a “New Engine of Growth,” positionin­g Thailand as an Internatio­nal Medical Hub.

 ?? ?? Ekapol Poolpipat
Ekapol Poolpipat

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