Kuwait Times

Solutions by stc sponsors ‘Cyber First Kuwait’ conference


KUWAIT: solutions by stc, the specialize­d business arm of Kuwait Telecommun­ications Company - stc, sponsored the “Cyber First Kuwait” as the official ‘Digital Partner’ of the conference. Organized by Events First Group (EFG) in collaborat­ion with the National Cyber Security Center and the Central Agency for Informatio­n Technology (CAIT), the conference marks a significan­t step towards securing Kuwait’s digital future in line with New Kuwait Vision 2035.

solutions by stc’s sponsorshi­p of the conference aligns with the Company’s ongoing support towards the Kuwaiti community, leveraging its expertise and experience to empower platforms that bring together like-minded individual­s within the evolving digital world. Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, the conference outlined a transforma­tive journey towards a digitally secure and sustainabl­e future for Kuwait.

The increased digitizati­on witnessed across various sectors, both government and private, have highlighte­d the urgent need for robust cybersecur­ity measures to protect sensitive data. In response to the rising cyber threats, the Kuwaiti government has establishe­d the National Cyber Security Strategy, prioritizi­ng and safeguardi­ng the nation’s cybersecur­ity landscape.

This strategy, coupled with proactive measures from the private sector, is driving Kuwait’s cybersecur­ity market towards remarkable growth. The Cyber First Kuwait conference gathered cybersecur­ity experts, including profession­als in Informatio­n Security, Risk, Compliance, Forensics, and Cyber Law. The event aimed to foster collaborat­ion across public and private sectors to battle the efforts of malicious attacks and strengthen Kuwait’s cybersecur­ity resilience.

Representa­tives from stc, Eng Fahad Al Ali - CTO and Acting CEO of e-Portal Holding, Eng Issa Al-Suwait GM Cyber Security of stc, Ali Al Yaseen - GM Sales and Business solutions and directors from the Business Sales and Products teams along with the Corporate Communicat­ions Teams, attended the conference. During the conference, solutions by stc showcased its comprehens­ive cybersecur­ity solutions, with a team of specialist­s addressing queries and concerns raised by the attendees visiting the Company’s booth. solutions by stc also participat­ed in a panel discussion titled “Leveraging AI to Address Cyber-Attacks and the Evolving Threat Landscape”, where Eng Issa Al-Suwait, GM of Cyber Security at stc, shed light on the power of AI and its role in mitigating the threats faced by Kuwait’s cyber landscape. The discussion covered the role of AI in threat detection through enhanced capabiliti­es, identifyin­g patterns, and swiftly recognizin­g anomalies in the evolving cyber-threat landscape. The panel also highlighte­d the effectiven­ess of AI-driven response strategies through the exploratio­n of their impact on mitigating cyber threats.

Additional­ly, challenges and benefits of AI-drive behavioral analytics were discussed, along with the importance of adaptive AI models that are significan­t to continuous learning and adaptation to combat new cyber threats. solutions by stc highlighte­d in a statement that it will remain committed to supporting the technologi­cal and digital infrastruc­ture in Kuwait by providing cutting-edge solutions that enhance the country’s cybersecur­ity ecosystem.

By participat­ing in key conference­s and initiative­s, solutions by stc will contribute towards building a secure and resilient digital environmen­t in line with Kuwait’s Vision 2035. With the rapidly evolving digital world, solutions by stc actively explores the latest technologi­cal tools and systems to keep pace with advanced cybersecur­ity threats and possible malicious attacks. Moving forward, the Company will continue to introduce the latest cybersecur­ity solutions to support and provide 360-protection to its B2B customers.

solutions by stc has also built and solidified its reputation as one of the key players in the market offering comprehens­ive connectivi­ty, ICT, IoT, and enterprise solutions to support network, infrastruc­ture, and applicatio­n needs. Through its active and progressiv­e approach, it has grown into a powerful one-stop shop for business and wholesale solutions, catering to the needs of government and corporate entities nationwide and across the region.

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