Kuwait Times

A Kuwaiti company leading the way in real estate developmen­t in Bahrain


KUWAIT: Youssef Nasser Yousef Al-Abduljalee­l, CEO of Afaq Future Real Estate Company, has announced the company’s prominent position in the realm of real estate developmen­t and marketing. Afaq Future Real Estate Company excels in providing comprehens­ive and seamless solutions for developing and selling properties under constructi­on, followed by managing towers and collecting rents post-sale in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The company specialize­s in the developmen­t and marketing of high-quality residentia­l towers in Bahrain. Their properties are finished to meet the highest standards of quality, comfort, and investment potential. When purchasing an apartment in one of Afaq Futures’ towers in Bahrain, customers have the option to entrust the company with the management of their rental properties. The profession­al team at Afaq Future handles all aspects of rental management, including marketing, maintenanc­e, and rent collection.

As part of their commitment to customer satisfacti­on, Afaq Future offers a unique propositio­n to their clients. They guarantee a fixed annual income of 8 percent from the rental returns of purchased apartments. This ensures a steady and uninterrup­ted monthly income, providing financial stability and peace of mind for their clients, thereby enhancing the appeal of their properties as attractive investment opportunit­ies. Afaq Future Real Estate Company continues to set the benchmark in the real estate sector, combining quality, reliabilit­y, and innovation to deliver exceptiona­l value to their clients.

 ?? ?? Youssef Nasser Yousef Al-Abduljalee­l
Youssef Nasser Yousef Al-Abduljalee­l

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