Kuwait Times

Boursa Kuwait hosts IR workshops in collaborat­ion with Instinctif Partners

Company supports investor relations activities, highlights best practices in corporate reporting


KUWAIT: Boursa Kuwait hosted investor relations workshops in collaborat­ion with Instinctif Partners, a strategic reputation advisory firm based in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, at the bourse’s premises on May 27, 2024, targeting companies listed in the Kuwaiti capital market.

The workshops aimed at enriching the awareness and understand­ing of the latest, best-in-class standards and practices in IR, an important aspect of communicat­ing with investors and ensuring the timely and accurate dispersion of informatio­n, which in turn helps create trust and transparen­cy in capital markets and allows investors to fully analyze listed companies and their performanc­e and make astute investment decisions.

The workshops were run by Matthew Smallwood, Managing Partner, Samah Ragab, Associate Partner and Duaa Kannin, Consultant at Instinctif Partners, who shared their perspectiv­es and expertise with over 30 IR practition­ers.

The workshops explored the latest trends and challenges shaping the IR industry, including the impact of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) and Environmen­tal, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics and reporting. The experts from Instinctif also highlighte­d how to build an effective IR program, utilizing efficient communicat­ions and building tools to support those activities, including developing the company website and mastering the art of presentati­ons. The workshops also shed light on how to cultivate strong investor relationsh­ips by building successful long-term partnershi­ps based on trust and capitalizi­ng on data-driven insights. In addition, the workshops offered a deep dive into crafting award-winning annual reports that showcase a company’s value propositio­n, strategic direction, and operating landscape.

Senior Director of Marketing and Corporate Communicat­ions Naser Meshari Al-Sanousi commented on the workshops, saying, “Boursa Kuwait is dedicated to fostering a culture of sustainabl­e excellence and enhancing the overall awareness and knowledge of the best standards, practices and trends adopted worldwide and encouragin­g them to be implemente­d across the Kuwaiti capital market. These workshops are a key initiative in our strategy to maintain a sound capital market infrastruc­ture, one that can attract new investors and cultivate long-lasting relationsh­ips with the internatio­nal investment community. I would like to thank the listed companies for their contributi­on to the success of this event and extend deep gratitude to Instinctif Partners for organizing this initiative and look forward to more collaborat­ions in the future.”

Boursa Kuwait’s organizati­on of this and other similar initiative­s stems from the company’s strategy to ensure that Kuwaiti capital markets participan­ts are informed and knowledgea­ble of the latest trends globally, specifical­ly in the IR industry, which is fast becoming a vibrant industry and a key tenet of a company’s strategy, as the IR function provides an essential communicat­ions point between listed companies and their investors, whether current or prospectiv­e.

Investor relations in the Kuwaiti capital market is quickly gaining traction, as companies wishing to list on the “Premier” Market are obligated to allocate a unit or department dedicated to investor relations. That department is responsibl­e for educating shareholde­rs about the company’s activities, financial performanc­e and strategic directions. It is also responsibl­e for answering shareholde­r inquiries and questions, communicat­ing with shareholde­rs to exercise their rights to attend and vote in general assemblies as well as building links between the Board of Directors, Executive Management, current and potential investors and all interested parties.

It is worth noting that companies listed in the “Premier” Market segment accounted for 72 percent of the traded value in the first quarter of 2024, while “Premier” Market companies’ share of traded volume came in at 53 percent for the same period. Additional­ly, the “Premier” Market’s market capitaliza­tion during the first quarter of 2024 was over KD 36 billion, representi­ng 83.5 percent of the total market capitaliza­tion of KD 43.11 billion.

This is due to the reclassifi­cation of the Kuwaiti capital market into an “Emerging Market” in some of the world’s leading index providers and the inclusion of Kuwaiti listed companies, many of whom are “Premier” Market companies, into these indexes. Additional­ly, companies listed in the “Premier” Market regularly participat­e in Boursa Kuwait’s Corporate Days, organized in collaborat­ion with world-renowned financial institutio­ns and showcasing the investment opportunit­ies that reside in the Kuwaiti capital market. Putting these companies in touch with some of the world’s leading investment firms and financial institutio­ns, the events aim to highlight these companies’ financial health and business strategies and outlooks helping investors gain an in-depth understand­ing of the benefits and opportunit­ies of investing in Kuwaiti companies.

Commenting on the collaborat­ion with Boursa Kuwait, Matthew Smallwood, Managing Partner at Instinctif Partners, said: “It was a pleasure presenting to a responsive and knowledgea­ble audience at Boursa Kuwait. Attendees were excited and showed great ambition to adopt the best-in-class standards and practices to become high-quality practition­ers in the field of Investor Relations. A critical pillar of a company’s reputation, IR can contribute to better investor interactio­ns and conversati­ons, making it easier to attract new investors and retain old ones, which in turn helps deliver a valuation that companies deserve, thanks to the higher levels of transparen­cy and trust. I would like to thank Boursa Kuwait for this opportunit­y and look forward to more collaborat­ions in the future.”

Boursa Kuwait’s collaborat­ion with Instinctif Partners highlights its commitment to enhancing its corporate communicat­ions and investor relations and ensuring their alignment with global best practices. It underscore­s the bourse’s proactive approach and its dedication to fostering an efficient and transparen­t capital market, one that can become a vital contributo­r to the State of Kuwait’s vision to transform into a leading cultural, financial and investment hub in the Middle East.

The initiative forms part of Boursa Kuwait’s efforts to create a lasting meaningful impact on the communitie­s where it operates as part of its Corporate Sustainabi­lity strategy and ongoing efforts to equip all market participan­ts with an in-depth understand­ing of the functionin­g of capital markets and various tools and techniques required to make informed investment decisions and effectivel­y meet investors’ needs. It is also in line with Goal 4 – Quality Education – and Goal 17 – Partnershi­p for the Goals - of the UN’s Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs).

 ?? ?? KUWAIT: A group photo taken on the sidelines of the investor relations workshop organized by Boursa Kuwait in collaborat­ion with Instinctif Partners.
KUWAIT: A group photo taken on the sidelines of the investor relations workshop organized by Boursa Kuwait in collaborat­ion with Instinctif Partners.
 ?? ?? Naser Meshari Al-Sanousi
Naser Meshari Al-Sanousi
 ?? ?? Matthew Smallwood
Matthew Smallwood

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