Kuwait Times

In my View

Time between fact and shadow

- By Dr Khalid Al-Saleh

Tlocal@kuwaittime­s.com here are those who complain about the speed and time as if their watches run at maximum speed. Those who complain about the fast movement of years are those who didn’t achieve much, as time is not measured by the watch movement; rather, it is measured by what a man or woman leaves behind. We wake up and go to work, then return home, and we create time for entertainm­ent, a vacation, or an adventure. As this cycle is repeated, we end up wondering about the secret behind the time’s speed.

There is another type of time. It is like a shadow that you hardly feel—a time that is void of brakes, a time that lacks influences. How can time move non-stop and go without true feelings? How can we feel such a time or even live in it? There is a true time, and there is a shadowy time. Some of us live in the shadows, which is something we hardly notice. We try to remember when it happened, and then, at the end, we do not pause at it for long.

As for our real time, it is the time that we know; it lives in us, and we live in it. A time during which we sought knowledge, prayed for a virtue, helped the needy, or participat­ed in a project that benefited others. The day that comes by becomes full, but the year’s entire days are complete. Today, some people are preoccupie­d with personal glory only, or personal disputes and struggles, and because of that, the year goes by fast like a shadow that has no benefit.

Some people do not live to their full age. They exert much effort to maintain their health and attempt to extend their age, but on the contrary, they let their years go fast. Congratula­tions to those whose years flourished positively. Congratula­tions for their good deeds, and most importantl­y, congratula­tions for a good life.

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