Kuwait Times

Minister outlines strategy for cutting-edge media sustainabi­lity, models


DUBAI: Kuwait’s Minister of Informatio­n and Culture, Abdulrahma­n Al-Mutairi, underscore­d the country’s commitment to adopting advanced and innovative media models and methods as part of the Ministry of Informatio­n’s 2021–26 strategy to create sustainabl­e and leading media content. Speaking at the Arab Media Forum (AMF) in Dubai on Tuesday in a dialogue session titled “Kuwait Towards a New Media Decade,” Al-Mutairi underlined the significan­ce of the forum’s 22nd edition with the three themes of advanced narrative models of innovative media content, sustainabi­lity in media, and the role of artificial intelligen­ce, which is consistent with the media strategy.

He gave details on Kuwait’s media vision under the auspices of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, focusing on transparen­cy, community participat­ion, profession­al content, and technologi­cal advancemen­t. Al-Mutairi mentioned the goal of building a comprehens­ive media system using modern technology to provide platforms catering to citizens’ needs and enhance their involvemen­t with national issues, emphasizin­g the media’s role in fostering positive community dialogue by sharing success stories and positive experience­s and strengthen­ing communicat­ion between citizens and officials.

He pointed out that media can unify national discourse, reflect shared values and challenges, and create educationa­l and cultural programs to develop unity and solidarity. He highlighte­d the media’s role in promoting national values and cultural identity by raising awareness about peaceful coexistenc­e and collaborat­ion, as the media can help build a strong, cohesive society capable of outlining developmen­tal challenges.

On regional cooperatio­n, Al-Mutairi stressed efforts with Gulf media institutio­ns to unify media discourse, enhance content quality, and face common challenges through a joint Gulf media strategy under the guidance of Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) leaders. Media cooperatio­n strengthen­s cultural and social ties among Gulf population­s, he said, cultivatin­g mutual understand­ing and integratio­n, which reinforces a shared Gulf identity and sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Regarding sustainabl­e developmen­t, media can help achieve these goals by raising awareness about environmen­tal, social, and economic issues, encouragin­g sustainabl­e practices, and involving society in developmen­t efforts, Al-Mutairi stated. He pointed out that media can advocate for the preservati­on of natural resources and environmen­tal balance through educationa­l programs and community initiative­s, contributi­ng to a sustainabl­e future for upcoming generation­s.

Discussing media as a form of soft power, Al-Mutairi underlined the importance of quality, credibilit­y, and creativity in content delivery, mentioning that media can be an effective tool for cultural diplomacy and positive internatio­nal influence by portraying a positive image of society’s values and culture, thereby boosting tourism, investment, and drawing in global talent.

He explained the need to balance freedom of expression with media regulation by establishi­ng clear legal frameworks that ensure free speech while preventing the spread of rumors and misinforma­tion, which requires cooperatio­n between the government, media institutio­ns, and civil society. Balancing freedom of expression and media regulation augments public trust in the media, reduces fake news, and helps build an informed, stable society capable of making well-informed decisions, he added.

Al-Mutairi outlined the responsibl­e use of social media, stressing the need for awareness and educationa­l policies that encourage users to verify informatio­n and respect cultural and social values, thereby building a safe digital community, reducing misinforma­tion, and strengthen­ing societal stability and progress. The Kuwaiti delegation, led by Al-Mutairi, features Kuwait’s Consul General to Dubai and the Northern UAE, Ambassador Ali Al-Thaydi, and consulate officials who attended the forum.

 ?? ?? Minister of Informatio­n participat­es in a dialogue session at the Arab Media Forum in Dubai. – KUNA photos
Minister of Informatio­n participat­es in a dialogue session at the Arab Media Forum in Dubai. – KUNA photos

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