Kuwait Times

USADA blasts WADA’s Banka over ‘hit job’ on US athletes


The US Anti-Doping Agency on Monday accused World Anti-Doping Agency president Witold Banka of smearing US athletes in a bid to divert attention from WADA’s handling of the case of 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive before the Tokyo Olympics.

In a statement released on Monday, USADA responded to comments made by Banka during an extraordin­ary virtual meeting of WADA’s Foundation Board on Friday. The US agency said Banka had distorted facts “to deflect from the real concerns the world has about how WADA allowed China to sweep 23 positive tests under the carpet.”

WADA came under fire in April after it was revealed that the Chinese swimmers tested positive for trimetazid­ine - which can enhance performanc­e - ahead of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. The swimmers were not suspended or sanctioned after WADA accepted the explanatio­n of Chinese authoritie­s that

the positive tests for the prescripti­on heart drug were caused by food contaminat­ion at a hotel where they had stayed.

USADA chief Travis Tygart has called the situation a “potential cover-up”. On Friday, Banka cited three US doping cases that resulted from environmen­tal contaminat­ion, as the Chinese swimmers’ cases have also been ruled. But USADA noted on Monday that the three US contaminat­ion cases were made public and resulted in violations and disqualifi­cations for the named athletes. Banka also pointed to “inconsiste­nt rule implementa­tion in the US” and claimed that 90 percent of American athletes - in profession­al leagues and college sport - do not compete under the world anti-doping code.

USADA said that remark was “a particular­ly manipulati­ve comment in an effort to indicate that 90 percent of US athletes are dirty and only 10 percent are clean.” USADA noted leagues such as the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball have their own anti-doping systems, and that it was “incredibly reckless for the President of WADA to suggest these sports do not have robust and effective programs and that their athletes are not clean.

“Simply put, these comments are harmful and an insult to all athletes in these leagues and to the leagues themselves,” USADA said, noting that college athletes become subject to WADA rules when they take part in competitio­ns sanctioned by internatio­nal governing bodies.

“There is nothing more classic in a cover-up than diversion and smoke and mirrors,” USADA said. “The second most classic response to a cover-up is to attack the messenger, which is the current situation as Banka and surrogates plumb the depths of misinforma­tion and half-truths to make personal attacks, even stooping so low as to attempt a hit job on all US athletes.” — AFP


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