Kuwait Times

US inflation fight will take ‘further time’: Fed official


WASHINGTON: The US Federal Reserve should keep interest rates at their current elevated levels for longer than previously expected due to disappoint­ing recent inflation data, a senior bank official said Monday. The Fed has raised interest rates to a 23-year high and held them there as it looks to bring inflation down to its long-term target of two percent. But despite significan­t progress last year, the Fed’s inflation fight has faced a setback this year, with the rate at which consumer prices are rising accelerati­ng again in the first quarter.

Speaking at a conference in the US state of Florida on Monday, Fed vice chair for supervisio­n Michael Barr said the bank had made “tremendous progress” in bringing inflation down from its 2022 peak, while unemployme­nt—the other leg of its dual mandate—had remained low.

“We are not yet all the way to our target of two percent,” he said in prepared remarks, noting the “disappoint­ing” recent inflation data. “These results did not provide me with the increased confidence that I was hoping to find to support easing monetary policy by reducing the federal funds rate,” he said.

“This means that we will need to allow our restrictiv­e policy some further time to continue to do its work,” added Barr, a permanent voting member of the Fed’s rate-setting committee. Barr’s remarks echo those of Fed chair Jerome Powell, who said earlier this month that the US central bank had to remain “patient and let restrictiv­e policy do its work.” Also speaking Monday, Fed vice chair Philip Jefferson—another permanent voting member of the Fed’s rate-setting committee— said inflation was still coming down, “although nowhere near as quickly as I would have liked.”

“In making judgments about the appropriat­e stance of policy rate over time, I will be carefully assessing the incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks,” he said in prepared remarks for a conference in New York. Fed policymake­rs are widely expected to leave rates unchanged when they meet to set interest rates again next month. –AFP

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