Kuwait Times

GCC’s 2024 growth hinges on non-oil sector activity: WB


WASHINGTON: The World Bank’s new Middle East and North Africa Economic Update, entitled “Conflict and Debt in the Middle East and North Africa”, shows that lackluster growth, rising indebtedne­ss and heightened uncertaint­y due to the conflict in the Middle East are impacting economies across the region. According to the report, MENA economies are expected to return to low growth akin to the decade prior to the pandemic. MENA’s gross domestic product (GDP) is forecast to rise to 2.7 percent in 2024, which is a tepid increase from 1.9 percent in 2023. As in 2023, oil importing and oil exporting countries are likely to grow at less disparate rates than 2022, when higher oil prices boosted growth in oil exporters.

For Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC) countries, the 2024 growth uptick reflects expectatio­ns of robust non-oil sector activity and fading out of oil production cuts towards the end of the year. GDP growth in almost all oil importing countries is expected to decelerate. The report looks at the economic impact of the conflict in the Middle East on the region. Economic activity in Gaza has come to a near standstill. The GDP of the Gaza strip has dropped by 86 percent in last quarter of 2023. The West Bank has plunged into a recession, with simultaneo­us public and private sector crises. A recent World Bank report goes into further depth on damages to the Gaza Strip and catastroph­ic impacts on the people of Gaza.

The economic impact of the conflict on the rest of the region has remained relatively contained, but uncertaint­y has increased. For example, the shipping industry has coped with shocks to maritime transport by rerouting vessels away from the Red Sea, but any prolonged disruption­s to routes through the Suez Canal could increase commodity prices regionally and globally. The report also looks at rising indebtedne­ss in the MENA region. Between 2013 and 2019, the median debt-to-GDP ratio for MENA economies increased by more than 23 percentage points. The pandemic made things worse as declines in revenue, together with pandemic support spending, increased financing needs for many countries. This rising indebtedne­ss is heavily concentrat­ed in oil-importing economies, which now have a debt-to-GDP ratio 50 percent higher than the global average of emerging market and developing economies. —AFP

 ?? ?? A group photo of the 29th wave of employees at the annual NBK Academy.
A group photo of the 29th wave of employees at the annual NBK Academy.

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