Kuwait Times

NBK Academy welcomes 29th wave of trainees


KUWAIT: In line with its strategy to attract high-caliber national talent from Kuwaiti fresh university graduates and offer them suitable job opportunit­ies, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) welcomed the 29th wave of newly-hired employees to its annual NBK Academy program especially designed for developing Kuwaiti fresh graduates.

The Opening ceremony was attended by Mohamed Al-Othman, CEO - Consumer and Digital Banking Group at National Bank of Kuwait, Mohammad Al-Kharafi, COO - Head of Group Operations and Informatio­n Technology, Ahmed Bourisly, GM – Corporate Banking Group, along with a number of executive managers and officials from Talent Management Department.

The program will run for seven months, from May to November 2024, during which the trainees will receive intensive training on technologi­cal, behavioral and other skills that allow them to build a thriving career at NBK. It also covers various aspects of the

banking business including key banking principles, risk management, financial accounting, marketing, negotiatio­n, as well as training on creativity, innovation and design thinking, increasing productivi­ty. Following that, the trainees will receive intensifie­d training on branch work mechanism for five weeks before having on-site training at NBK branches for one month. At the final part of the program, the trainees will be familiariz­ed with all NBK groups and department­s through on-site visits to gain better understand­ing of the banking sector. The participan­ts will also present new ideas to the heads of different department­s through the “Innovation Challenge” program, which aims to stimulate trainees’ creativity and introducin­g innovative solutions for the various training aspects covered in the Academy. NBK Academy boasts a long record of success for 16 years. The program was specially designed for Kuwaiti fresh university graduates who successful­ly meet the admission criteria. It also hosts internatio­nally accredited trainers to enable employees

acquire specialize­d banking skills.

Commenting on this, Najla Al-Sager, Head of Talent Management, Group Human Resources at National Bank of Kuwait, said, “At NBK, we always seek to offer suitable job opportunit­ies for Kuwaiti fresh graduates by attracting, developing and upskilling them to become and paving their way to start a thriving career based on solid foundation­s, thus creating added value to the banking sector in the future.” “The Academy reflects NBK’s vision of fostering sustainabl­e human capital as a key strategic objective and joint responsibi­lity between the government’s different entities and the private sector,” she added.

“NBK Academy’s objective is to prepare highly skilled young Kuwait banking leaders in all the banking discipline­s.This resonates with our ambitious plans to build a sustainabl­e future, continuous elevation of service levels, and achieving steady business growth and expansion both locally and regionally,” she noted. NBK Academy is an award-winning program which has received 3 awards from prestigiou­s organizati­ons over the past three years. The Academy was launched in 2008 with the aim of paving the way for Kuwaiti fresh university graduates to join the banking sector. It provides the trainees with the best-in-class training programs developed in cooperatio­n with leading internatio­nal institutio­ns and universiti­es to meet the demands of the labor market.

 ?? ?? Najla Al-Sager
Najla Al-Sager

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