Kuwait Times

Wife of former PM Imran Khan moved to jail


ISLAMABAD: The wife of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was moved Wednesday from house arrest to the same jail as her husband, lawyers said, where the pair will serve matching prison terms for illegal marriage. Khan’s party has been targeted with a sweeping crackdown since nationwide protests erupted over his arrest on May 9 last year, which saw unpreceden­ted anger directed at the military.

Bushra Bibi, 49, and Khan, 71, were both convicted of corruption and breaking Islamic marriage laws in the lead up to February’s general election, which saw military-backed parties come to power. Khan, who was also jailed for leaking state secrets, says the cases were designed to keep him from contesting. “She has already been shifted to a female ward of the jail on her own request,” Intazar Hussain Panjutha, a lawyer for Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, told AFP. She had been held at the home she shared with Khan - declared a sub-jail - on the outskirts of the capital for the past three months. Khan is also serving a concurrent 10-year term for leaking state secrets. The divorced mother met Khan when he approached her for spiritual guidance and appear in public wearing a face-covering hijab. She had made repeated requests to be “treated as a commoner” and taken to the prison, a spokesman for the party said.

The couple married just months before Khan was elected prime minister. He was booted from power in April 2022 by a no-confidence vote after analysts said he fell out with the country’s influentia­l generals. He went on to wage a defiant campaign against the establishm­ent which culminated in thousands of supporters pouring onto the streets on May 9 when he was first arrested. Army installati­ons and government property were targeted in a public display of anger against the military that is rarely seen in Pakistan. Thousands of supporters were detained and dozens of party leaders rounded up, decimating Khan’s once unstoppabl­e street power. PTI said the first anniversar­y of the mass arrests on Thursday would be marked by rallies.

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