Kuwait Times

Britain seeks to boost Palestinia­n exports to Kuwait


KUWAIT: The British and Palestinia­n embassies to Kuwait jointly hosted a delegation from the British Consulate in Jerusalem and the UK-funded “Tasdeer” team. The purpose of this highly successful visit was to explore how to export more high-quality Palestinia­n goods and services to Kuwait. The delegation had a busy schedule in Kuwait. Calls included: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; the Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA); the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and a range of private companies focused on logistics, food and drink, stone and marble, and telecommun­ications.

Each meeting included a warm welcome to the visiting delegation and messages of support for the proposed export campaign. The British Ambassador to Kuwait, Belinda Lewis, said: “This was an extremely valuable visit from colleagues in Jerusalem, who received a characteri­stically warm welcome. There is a big appetite in Kuwait for high quality Palestinia­n products - particular­ly food, textiles and stone and marble – so the UK-funded Tasdeer team is now working hard on logistics, customs requiremen­ts and other practical matters to increase exports as efficientl­y as possible.

This joint project between the British and Palestinia­n embassies to support the Palestinia­n economy is a top priority for my team and we are hopeful that a number of commercial contracts will be signed with Kuwaiti companies in the very near future.” “Tasdeer” is a UK government-funded program that works with a range of Palestinia­n stakeholde­rs across Gaza and the West Bank, including the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Finance, Customs, and a number of private Palestinia­n businesses, to help facilitate the export of evermore high-quality Palestinia­n-made goods and services to foreign markets.

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