Kuwait Times

MoH and Zain promote child protection hotline


KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health (MoH), in partnershi­p with Kuwait’s leading digital service provider, Zain, announced the kick-off of a nationwide awareness campaign to promote the Child Protection Helpline 147. The dedicated hotline, which was first provided by Zain to MoH’s Child Protection Office in 2016, establishe­s a direct and confidenti­al point of contact to report all forms of child abuse, neglect or harm in Kuwait.

The initiative was announced during a ceremony held at Zain’s headquarte­rs in Shuwaikh, where Minister of Health Dr Ahmad Abdulwahab Al-Awadhi, Zain Vice-Chairman and Group CEO Bader Al-Kharafi, Zain Kuwait CEO Nawaf Algharabal­ly and Child Protection Office Director Dr Mona Al-Khawari were present, along with the ministry’s top officials and Zain’s executive team. Dr Ahmad AlAwadhi said: “Acting against child abuse and neglect is a top priority for the Ministry of Health via the Child Protection High Committee, which laid the foundation­s, plans and necessary measures to protect every child from harm.”

Bader Al-Kharafi said: “We take pride in the extended partnershi­p between Zain and the Ministry of Health, which has succeeded in introducin­g a plethora of impactful programs and initiative­s to serve everyone in our community over the years.” The hotline is recognized by Child Helpline Internatio­nal (CHI) and is available 24/7 to receive reports of all forms of child abuse, neglect or harm. All reports are treated with utmost confidenti­ality, and the person who reports the alleged incident is protected under the law.

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