The Korea Herald

New season, new members, new ideas at GBF

- By No Kyung-min (

The 6th edition of The Korea Herald’s Global Business Forum kicked off its three-month run in Seoul on Wednesday, with a packed agenda aimed at sparking discussion on global business trends and opportunit­ies in an era of rapid change.

The forum will convene weekly on Wednesdays, except on public holidays, for a total of 13 sessions, to facilitate knowledge exchange among global business leaders, finance experts, academics, diplomats and top civil servants. The goal is to build valuable networks and seek innovative solutions to global business challenges.

At its opening session held at the Ambassador Seoul — A Pullman Hotel, Herald Media Group Chairman Jung Won-ju expressed gratitude to participan­ts for engaging with this invaluable platform dedicated to sharing insights.

“I am pleased to see that GBF participan­ts, from all walks of life, not only excel individual­ly but also contribute significan­tly to the growth of this forum,” Jung stated in his opening remarks. “With the strong foundation of our membership, I will ensure the forum continues to thrive, fostering our valuable connection­s moving forward.”

Choi Jin-young, CEO of Herald Media Group and publisher of The Korea Herald, pledged to prioritize participan­ts’ interests in managing the GBF and stressed the need for collaborat­ion in navigating today’s complex global business landscape.

“I highly encourage each of you to connect with one another and cultivate a productive environmen­t conducive to mutual VXSSRUW µ &KRL VDLG ´'HVSLWH WKH numerous business challenges ahead, I hope GBF participan­ts will work together to make this premier platform a place where dreams can become reality.”

Lee Nam-sik, president of JEI University and the professor overseeing the forum’s 13 sessions, drew attention to the pressing issue of population decline in his special lecture on future prosperity.

Questionin­g whether South Korea has surpassed its peak in global cultural and economic influence, Lee emphasized the crucial role of education in tackling the challenges of an aging society.

“To thrive in today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, Korean society and educationa­l institutio­ns should attract internatio­nal talent and invest in lifelong skills training, especially for individual­s in mid life or older to ensure all Koreans contribute to the nation’s economic growth,” Lee said.

Launched in 2021, the GBF is a biennial event held once in the spring and once in the fall. The ongoing sixth edition will run unWLO 'HF

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 ?? The Korea Herald ?? CEOs and guests pose for group photos at the 6th edition of the Global Biz Forum, in Seoul, Wednesday.
The Korea Herald CEOs and guests pose for group photos at the 6th edition of the Global Biz Forum, in Seoul, Wednesday.
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