The Korea Herald

Orban’s new group hits EU parliament threshold


BRUSSELS (AFP) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s fledgling political movement attracted enough parties Saturday to achieve recognitio­n from the European Parliament in a boost for his latest ploy to shift Brussels rightwards.

The nationalis­t leader announced on June 30 his intention to form a new European Union parliament­ary group called “Patriots for Europe,” vowing “a new era” that “will change European politics.”

He made the announceme­nt with the Austrian farright Freedom Party and the centrist ANO of former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis in Strasbourg, and since then, five more parties said they will join. Those include the Party for Freedom of Dutch antiIslam firebrand Geert Wilders, Portugal’s far-right Chega party and Spain’s Vox.

With the Danish People’s Party and the Flemish nationalis­t pro-independen­ce Vlaams Belang announcing they would join Saturday, Patriots for Europe fulfilled the EU parliament’s threshold for formal recognitio­n — 23 lawmakers from seven countries.

Orban said the parties would meet Monday in Brussels.

By that time, Orban will know if France’s National Rally has chosen to join forces with him after the second round of the country’s legislativ­e elections on Sunday.

If the National Rally decides to join Patriots for Europe, it would be the biggest political force within the group with 30 MEPs.

Italy’s League, led by Matteo Salvini, has also expressed an interest in the new movement but has not confirmed its participat­ion.

Orban — whose country holds the EU’s rotating presidency — has long railed against the “Brussels elites.”

His Fidesz party has been non-aligned in the EU Parliament since it left the rightwing European People’s Party in 2021 amid accusation­s of Hungary’s democratic backslidin­g.

With the formation of Patriots for Europe, Orban is bidding to become the dominant hard-right force in the EU Parliament.

As well as campaignin­g for conservati­ve family values, the group would push back against European support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion and immigratio­n.

Several of the groups joining Orban’s movement were previously part of the Identity and Democracy group, which includes members of France’s National Rally.

Babis’s ANO party defected from Renew Europe, which includes liberals and centrists, among them French President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissanc­e party.

Vox is leaving the European Conservati­ves and Reformists movement associated with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni — Orban’s main rival as the dominant player in right-wing EU politics.

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