The Korea Herald

Friday, July 5


CELEBRITIE­S BORN ON THIS DAY: Megan Rapinoe, 39; Dave Haywood, 42; Edie Falco, 61; Huey Lewis, 74.

Happy Birthday: Use your attributes wisely. Trust and believe in your ability to add unique appeal to whatever you choose to pursue. Hard work and discipline will catapult you forward and open doors to new and exciting opportunit­ies. Change may not be your thing, but take a chance; you’ll discover a wonderful world awaits you. Don’t let regret set in because you are afraid to embrace change. Your numbers are 6, 14, 22, 24, 30, 38, 49.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Speak up if you want something. Stand up to anyone using manipulati­ve tactics to push you in a direction that doesn’t suit your needs. Walk alone if it helps get you to a place that offers peace of mind, comfort and opportunit­ies to your heart and dreams. 2 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A plan with high energy and drive to reach your target will encourage prosperous results. Invest more thought into where and how you live, and cut corners to make room for the pursuits you want to aspire to. Don’t let outside LQÁXHQFHV VWLÁH \RXU SODQV VWDUV

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Think big, but before you start your objecWLYH VLPSOLI\ GHÀQH DQG EXGJHW WR ÀW \RXU OLIHVW\OH 5HIUDLQ IURP OHWWLQJ the changes others make disrupt your plans. An unusual encounter will offer alternativ­es that will encourage you to broaden your awareness and restructur­e your plans. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Moderate your emotions and channel your energy into something that matters to you. Take the initiative and act. A cheerful but willful display will bring opportunit­y and change, injecting hope and satisfacti­on into your life. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): 6WDQG ÀUP and use colorful lingo that will help sell your ideas to those you need on board to enter a new phase in your life. Listen to the input you receive, and

follow compromise where necessary, and you will gain ground. A change will come quicker than expected. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Surround yourself with the people you can count on for backup. A change of plans will spark you to act quickly. Take the podium and make your voice heard. The response you receive will help you reach your objective. Love and romance, along with physical improvemen­ts, are favored. 4 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Use your command of language to persuade anyone sitting on the fence. Expect and prepare for opposition, and you’ll navigate the ups and downs of getting your way. Opportunit­y knocks; keep it from getting away due to passive behavior on your part. Make your objective clear. 2 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Size up your situation and recognize who is with you before you make a move. Having a clear picture and educating yourself to counter any negativity you face will help bring about the changes QHFHVVDU\ WR LPSURYH \RXU ÀQDQFLDO and emotional well-being. Romance is favored. 5 stars




Confusion will lead to chaos. Get your facts straight and a solid plan in place. Opportunit­y is apparent, but your timing DQG SUHFLVLRQ ZLOO UHTXLUH ÀQH WXQLQJ LI you want to take advantage of a situation WKDW FDQ LPSURYH \RXU OLIH ÀQDQFLDOO\ emotionall­y and physically. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep an open mind, participat­e and take what you want. Position yourself for success and happiness with a positive attitude, astute comprehens­ion of the possibilit­ies and the willpower to direct yourself accordingl­y to reach \RXU JRDO 6RFLDOL]LQJ DQG ÁLUWLQJ ZLOO promote romance. 3 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be ready to change direction or plan to take advantage of an opportunit­y. A favorable domestic situation will give you leeway and comfort, knowing you can change your life positively. Barter on your behalf and you’ll get your way. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ask questions and get the lowdown before you act. Keeping situations simple will help you avoid situations that FDQ EDFNÀUH RU FRVW \RX HPRWLRQDOO\ SK\VLFDOO\ RU ÀQDQFLDOO\ 'LVFLSOLQH DQG ingenuity will be necessary to maintain your status quo. 5 stars

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