The Korea Herald

A third option for US President Biden


Since the surprising TV debate on June 27, the Democratic Party of the US has been heated with controvers­y as to whether President Joe Biden should renounce his reelection bid. Voices calling for Biden to step aside express severe frustratio­n that the debate revealed the longtime politician’s lack of cognitive ability. They argue that if Biden runs in the election in November, he will surely lose, so he should be replaced as the Democratic presidenti­al candidate in the form of resigning.

In response, Biden’s team and family took a stance that he would not resign because the lackluster performanc­e at the debate was a one-off event and he can fully serve as president until January 2029, when he will be 87 years old.

Although the US presidenti­al election is an American matter, I, as non-US voter, am interested in it because it will seriously impact South Korea as well. The outcome affects many of the world’s 8 billion people, including Koreans, so they should have an opportunit­y to present an opinion on the campaign.

The most indigestib­le thing from across the Pacific Ocean is that the US Democratic Party focuses on bickering over Biden’s withdrawal from candidacy. For the party, the situation is not just black-andwhite. There could also be a third option.

More than 70 percent of US voters and many American media outlets argue that Biden should resign from the race. They say he should be replaced because the TV debate showed that he will lose against former President Donald Trump and is not capable of performing his duties anyway. However, the remaining problem is that replacing the candidate does not guarantee victory in the presidenti­al election. There would be tremendous confusion about who the new candidate should be.

The Democratic Party’s second option is to continue to the presidenti­al election in November with Biden as its candidate. This would greatly reduce the likelihood of chaos during the campaign. However, the party will likely lose if it does so, as more than 70 percent of American voters believe Biden should pull out.

What could the third option be? A revote might be the answer. Things would be completely different if Biden were to propose to invalidate the results of the party’s presidenti­al primaries and hold a selection process again through an emergency party vote at the party convention in August.

If Biden wins by defeating other competitor­s, he will get the proof of legitimacy to go ahead and be relieved of the pressure to resign. The Democratic Party will be able to unite and focus on campaignin­g for victory in the presidenti­al election. Biden, with the image of a brave man full of spirit, not that of a lethargic old man, can show how he proudly has confidence and wins.

If he loses the vote, he needs to accept the result. In this case, he will not be remembered as a weak man forced to resign due to public pressure or a tenacious man who refused to resign to save face. Rather, he will be remembered as a wise, brave man who proudly and wisely solved difficult and complex problems following liberal democratic procedures.

Biden can take this option because there is still a chance of him winning the selection, as this is about the party members where opinions on the resignatio­n are divided almost half-and-half. If a convention schedule for a confidence vote again is announced, there will be huge repercussi­ons. Although the Republican National Convention will occur earlier in July, media coverage will focus on the determined veteran and other younger competitor­s.

The convention to select a new candidate would allow the Democratic Party to adopt its presidenti­al campaign strategy away from the Trump-led election frame. The Trump frame’s core strategy is to emphasize the relative deprivatio­n that is hitting middle-class and working-class families in the US and the responsibi­lity of the elites with vested interests, while also fingering Biden as a leader of the establishm­ent.

The mired

Democratic Party has been in this frame since Trump’s appearance in 2016. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election, and Biden struggled in the 2020 election because they failed to create their own frame. The Democratic Party is still unable to get out of the one Trump created.

The Trump frame has been successful because it identifies and makes the most of American voters’ complaints. The embarrassi­ng point is that American voters’ complaints have always existed, and in the past the problems were softened by suggesting new goals and directions.

Although the economic difficulti­es and relative deprivatio­n experience­d by the working class in the US in recent years can be understood, the vested elite cannot bear all the responsibi­lity, and blaming them does not solve the problem. In that sense, the Trump frame clearly manifests populism and only exacerbate­s the problem.

Biden and the Democratic Party need to build a new frame inspired by older American politician­s in the past. In the context of dissatisfa­ction and anger, negative and regressive reactions could result in finding and punishing those responsibl­e. On the contrary, a positive and progressiv­e response is to initiate a new system that mitigates contradict­ions and spreads consensus that softens dissatisfa­ction and anger.

If Biden decides to fight for confidence again at the Democratic National Convention in August, people will be surprised by his decisivene­ss and boldness. Nobody will say he is too old or lacks the capability to lead the nation, whether he wins or not.

Democrats would break away from the Trump frame and get a bigger chance to win the November election. Many global villagers might welcome a man of wisdom or, at least, be relieved from the worry that a man of unpredicta­bility might cause a lot of trouble to the people of other nations, disrupting the liberal world order as they experience­d several years ago.

Wang Son-taek is an adjunct professor at Sogang University. He is a former diplomatic correspond­ent at YTN and a former research associate at Yeosijae. The views expressed here are the writer’s own. — Ed.


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