The Korea Herald

High-tech cash: Japan launches banknotes with hologram portraits


TOKYO (Reuters) — Japan began circulatin­g its first new banknotes in 20 years on Wednesday, featuring 3D portraits of the founders of financial and female education institutio­ns in an attempt to frustrate counterfei­ters.

The notes use printed patterns to generate holograms of the portraits facing different directions, depending on the angle of view, employing a technology that Japan’s National Printing Bureau says is the world’s first for paper money.

Though existing bills stay in use, train stations, parking lots and ramen shops are scrambling to upgrade payment machines while the government pushes consumers and businesses to use less cash in its bid to digitize the economy.

The new 10,000 yen ($62) note depicts Eiichi Shibusawa (18401931), the founder of the first bank and stock exchange, who is often called “the father of Japanese capitalism.”

The new 5,000 yen bill portrays educator Umeko Tsuda (1864-1929), who founded one of the first women’s universiti­es in Japan, while the 1,000 yen bill features a pioneering medical scientist, Shibasabur­o Kitasato (1853-1931).

Currency authoritie­s plan to print about 7.5 billion newly designed bills by the end of the current fiscal year. They will add to the 18.5 billion banknotes worth 125 trillion yen already in circulatio­n as of December 2023.

“Cash is a secure means of payment that can be used by anyone, anywhere and at any time, and it will continue to play a significan­t role” even when alternativ­e payment methods prevail, Bank of Japan Gov. Kazuo Ueda told a Wednesday ceremony celebratin­g the new notes.

The central bank has been conducting experiment­s on digital currencies, but the government has made no decision on whether to issue a digital yen.

The first renewal of paper money since 2004 spurred businesses to upgrade payment machines for cash-loving customers.

Although cashless payments in Japan have almost tripled over the past decade to make up 39 percent of consumer spending in 2023, that share lags global peers and should rise to as high as 80 percent to improve productivi­ty, the government says.

Roughly 90

ATMs, train percent of bank ticket machines and retail cash registers are prepared to accept new bills, but only half of restaurant and parking ticket machines are ready, the Japan Vending Machine Manufactur­ers Associatio­n says.

Nearly 80 percent of 2.2 million drink vending machines nationwide also need upgrades, it added.

“It might take until year-end to respond to this,” said Takemori Kawanami, an executive at ticket machine company Elcom.

“That’s too slow, but we are short of components,” he added, as client orders for upgrades exceeded expectatio­ns.

Many Japanese fast-food restaurant­s such as ramen shops and beef bowl stores rely on ticket machines to cut labor costs, but some small business owners battling inflation are unhappy at the extra investment the new bills entail.

 ?? Reuters-Yonhap ?? Bank of Japan Gov. Kazuo Ueda delivers a speech during a commemorat­ive ceremony on the day the new notes of 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen and 1,000 yen went into circulatio­n, at the BOJ headquarte­rs in Tokyo, Wednesday.
Reuters-Yonhap Bank of Japan Gov. Kazuo Ueda delivers a speech during a commemorat­ive ceremony on the day the new notes of 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen and 1,000 yen went into circulatio­n, at the BOJ headquarte­rs in Tokyo, Wednesday.

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