The Korea Herald

Why Naver, Nvidia are teaming up for ‘sovereign AI’

- By Jie Ye-eun (

Top executives of Naver and Nvidia met in the US last week and their key agenda was securing “sovereign AI.”

Sovereign AI refers to a nation’s capabiliti­es to autonomous­ly develop and produce artificial intelligen­ce models using its own infrastruc­ture, data, workforce and business network.

Tech firms have put greater value on the concept as it allows AI models to be more advanced by incorporat­ing cultures, languages and values specific to each region.

“Naver and Nvidia will closely collaborat­e to develop various AI models that respect the cultural values of each regional society,” a Naver official said of the meeting.

The meeting was held at the US chip giant’s headquarte­rs in Santa Clara, California, with Naver founder Lee Hae-jin and CEO Choi Soo-yeon and Nvidia founder Jensen Huang in attendance.

Naver stands at the forefront of the sovereign AI initiative in Korea by debuting its own hyperscale AI model HyperClova X.

Based on its experience­s building Korean-based language models, the company is seeking to develop similar language models for other countries such as the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

“Sovereign AI requires significan­t investment and technical expertise,” the official said. “Naver is the only company globally that possesses the foundation­al technology for constructi­ng massive AI models based on languages other than English and Chinese, and has experience­s in building a cloud-based AI industry ecosystem by leveraging this technology.”

Naver has already teamed up with Aramco Digital, a technology subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, to develop large-scale language models focusing on Arabic. Discussion­s are also underway to provide AI solutions for the Philippine­s in partnershi­p with a local internet service provider Converge ICT.

Considerin­g Nvidia is the market leader in supplying high-capacity chips essential for AI services, Naver could use its potential Nvidia partnershi­p to further expand its presence in the burgeoning markets in non-Englishspe­aking countries in the future.

“Global data barriers become more pronounced and the demand for sovereign AI increases. Naver and Nvidia who share similar visions could target non-Englishspe­aking markets such as Asia and South America,” said an industry source who wished not to be named.

 ?? Naver Instagram ?? From left: Naver founder and Global Investment Officer Lee Hae-jin, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Naver CEO Choi Soo-yeon pose at Nvidia’s headquarte­rs in Santa Clara, California on Tuesday.
Naver Instagram From left: Naver founder and Global Investment Officer Lee Hae-jin, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Naver CEO Choi Soo-yeon pose at Nvidia’s headquarte­rs in Santa Clara, California on Tuesday.

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