The Korea Herald

Korea to provide W25tr support for debt-laden small business owners

President Yoon calls for structural reforms to improve livelihood­s, sharpen AI chipmaking, quantum technologi­es

- By Park Han-na and Choi Ji-won

The South Korean government has unveiled a set of economic measures for the second half, focusing on helping small business owners grappling with debt and sluggish domestic demand as the economy continues its uneven recovery.

President Yoon Suk Yeol introduced a 25 trillion won ($18 billion) support package for small business owners and selfemploy­ed people, and called for structural measures during a meeting to discuss the direction of economic policy in the second half held at Cheong Wa Dae on Wednesday.

“Macroecono­mic indicators have improved, but it is regrettabl­e that this has not yet led to the economic revitaliza­tion of people’s livelihood­s,” he said.

The package includes extensions on loan repayment periods of up to five years and lower interest rates for up to 800,000 individual­s, along with regulatory reforms to reduce fixed costs like rent and utilities.

Yoon enumerated recent signs of economic recovery, including exports that rose for a ninth consecutiv­e month in June, stabilizin­g consumer prices with inflation staying in the 2 percent range, and economic growth of 1.3 percent logged in the first quarter.

On Wednesday, the Finance Ministry upgraded its 2024 growth forecast to 2.6 percent, up from January’s 2.2 percent, driven by expanding exports amid global economic recovery and a rebound in the semiconduc­tor market.

Expressing concerns over the rise in late debt payments of small business owners who were dealt a major blow by the COVID-19 pandemic, the president said that targeted liquidity support was preferable to universal cash handouts, which have been proposed by opposition parties, which Yoon said could only be a populist, stopgap measure.

“We will provide sufficient support customized to small business owners in desperate need and push for structural measures,” he said.

Every half-year,


government presents economic prospects and announces key economic policy tasks to be promoted in the next six months.

During Wednesday’s meeting, the government also rolled out what it called a “Dynamic Economic Road Map” that includes mid- to long-term tasks to carry out structural reforms declared by the Yoon government to meet the goal of restoring dynamism in the economy for sustainabl­e growth.

Below are key takeaways from the economic policy plans for the second half of the year and the road map to make the economy more dynamic.

‘Value-up’ tax incentives

Aiming to address the “Korea Discount” issue by improving shareholde­r returns and corporate governance, authoritie­s will provide tax incentives to companies that increase dividends and push for separate income taxation for shareholde­rs.

The corporate tax rates of companies that take part in the “Corporate Value-up Program” by voluntaril­y presenting measures to improve their valuation, including an increase in payouts and cancellati­on of treasury stock, will be cut by 5 percent points.

The tax burden on shareholde­rs for dividend income will be eased.

Under the current tax code, a dividend income tax of 14 percent is levied on dividends received from investment­s in domestic stocks. If dividend income exceeds 20 million won a year, it is subject to comprehens­ive

financial income taxation, which increases the tax rate by up to 45 percent.

The comprehens­ive rate will be lowered by up to 20 percentage points as the government will apply separate taxation of dividend income for shareholde­rs of companies that are increasing their dividend payouts.

AI chip, quantum technologi­es

The government picked artificial intelligen­ce semiconduc­tors, quantum technology and biotechnol­ogy as key sectors for productivi­ty innovation and vowed all-around support for those areas and taxation.

A pan-government task force will be formed to develop AI semiconduc­tors as well as establish related laws and a governance system.

Financial support worth 18.1 trillion won will be provided to the entire semiconduc­tor ecosystem in the second half of the year.

Next year’s national research and developmen­t budget in the quantum technology field will be increased by more than 30 percent on-year while strategic R&D will be promoted by setting short-term to long-term goals of commercial­ization and securing leading technologi­es.

To address labor government aims


More foreign national workers

investment shortages, to boost the the employment of foreign nationals in critical sectors. This includes expanding opportunit­ies to employ workers on E-9 nonprofess­ional visas in the restaurant sector, currently limited to kitchen assistants in Korean restaurant­s in certain regions.

The government announced that it will also promote a pilot project involving 5,000 people to allow foreign students or spouses of foreign workers to work as domestic workers.

Meanwhile, the government is facilitati­ng the employment of foreign caregivers and domestic workers, starting with a pilot program for 100 such foreign workers this year and aiming to increase domestic worker employment to 500 next year.

Efforts are underway to attract highly skilled engineers through a special visa for advanced fields like AI technology, alongside expanding fast-track permanent residency for science and technology profession­als.

Revitalizi­ng industries, consumptio­n

The government plans to strengthen the domestic sector with 27 trillion won for facility investment and 192 trillion won in trade finance support for companies exporting promising products.

In the automotive sector, industry discounts and proportion­al subsidies, currently limited to electric passenger cars, will be extended to electric freight vehicles. Plans are underway to reintroduc­e temporary individual consumptio­n tax reductions for replacing old vehicles, and the tax exemption for eco-friendly vehicles will be extended until 2026.

 ?? Yonhap ?? Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok (second from left) speaks at a meeting on economic policy plans for the second half of the year at the Government Complex in Seoul on Wednesday.
Yonhap Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok (second from left) speaks at a meeting on economic policy plans for the second half of the year at the Government Complex in Seoul on Wednesday.

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