The Korea Herald

EU and China set for talks on planned electric vehicle tariffs


SHANGHAI (Reuters) — China and the European Union have agreed to start talks on the planned imposition of tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles being imported into the European market, senior officials of both sides said Saturday.

Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck said he had been informed by EU commission­er Valdis Dombrovski­s that there would be concrete negotiatio­ns on tariffs with China.

The confirmati­on came after China’s Commerce Ministry said its head Wang Wentao, and Dombrovski­s, executive vice president of the European Commission, had agreed to start consultati­ons over the EU’s antisubsid­y investigat­ion into Chinese EVs.

“This is new and surprising in that it has not been possible to enter into a concrete negotiatio­n timetable in the last few weeks,” Habeck said in Shanghai.

He said it was a first step and many more will be necessary.

“We are far from the end, but at least, it is a first step that was not possible before.”

The minister had said earlier Saturday that the European Union’s door was open for discussion­s regarding EU tariffs on Chinese exports.

“What I suggested to my Chinese partners today is that the doors are open for discussion­s and I hope that this message was heard,” he said in his first statement in meetings with in Beijing.

Habeck’s visit is the first by a senior European official since Brussels proposed hefty duties on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles to combat what the EU considers excessive subsidies.

Habeck said there is time for a dialogue between the EU and China on tariff issues before the duties come into full effect in November and that he believes

Shanghai, after Chinese officials in open markets, but markets require a level playing field.

Proven subsidies that are intended to increase the export advantages of companies can’t be accepted, the minister said.

Another point of tension between Beijing and Berlin is China’s support for Russia in its war in Ukraine. Habeck noted Chinese trade with Russia increased more than 40 percent last year.

Habeck said he had told Chinese officials that this was taking a toll on their economic relationsh­ip. “Circumvent­ions of the sanctions imposed on Russia are not acceptable,” he said, adding that technical goods produced in Europe should not end up on the battlefiel­d via other countries.

The EU’s provisiona­l duties of up to 38.1 percent on imported Chinese EVs are set to apply by July 4, with the investigat­ion set to continue until Nov. 2, when definitive duties, typically for five years, could be imposed.

 ?? Reuters-Yonhap ?? German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck (left) shakes hands with China’s National Developmen­t and Reform Commission Chairman Zheng Shanjie before a meeting in Beijing, Saturday.
Reuters-Yonhap German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck (left) shakes hands with China’s National Developmen­t and Reform Commission Chairman Zheng Shanjie before a meeting in Beijing, Saturday.

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