The Korea Herald

China’s key plenum aims to fix decades-old tax revenue imbalance


BEIJING (Reuters) — Longtouted changes to China’s tax system will focus on allowing local government­s to retain more fiscal revenues, say policy advisers, widely seen by markets as an important step towards removing an immediate threat to financial stability.

Measures that redistribu­te income from central authoritie­s to municipali­ties, curbing an addiction to land sales laid bare by China’s property crisis, will top the agenda of a leadership gathering in July, known as the third plenum, they said.

“Pressure is high to push reforms to bolster local government revenue after the end of the land finance phase,” said one of four policy advisers who spoke to Reuters. Three of them requested anonymity due to the sensitivit­y of the matter.

The plenum is set to discuss the biggest changes to China’s fiscal system in three decades, with policymake­rs hoping to ease concerns over a $13 trillion-andgrowing local government debt pile that poses risks to financial institutio­ns and economic growth.

Details of the plans have been reported by Chinese media.

In 2023, local government­s’ own fiscal revenues accounted for 54 percent of the nation’s total, but their expenditur­es accounted for 86 percent, data from the Finance Ministry showed.

This imbalance stems from the fiscal reforms of 1994, when China aimed to limit localities’ capacity to independen­tly raise money, following a surge in local spending and inflation in the late 1980s.

But local government­s got around those limitation­s by creating off-budget financing vehicles — which Beijing is cracking down on — and by auctioning land for residentia­l developmen­t, fueling a giant housing bubble.

Land sales’ contributi­on to local budgets rose from a fifth to almost a third in the decade leading up to 2021, when China entered a severe property market downturn. It is no longer a reliable cash cow: such incomes shrank to 5.8 trillion yuan ($780 billion) in 2023 from a 2021 peak of 8.7 trillion.

Chinese leaders flagged plans for fiscal reforms at an annual meeting in December, without offering details.

Policy advisers said the main changes are likely to revolve around how much revenue local government­s retain, rather than adding or hiking taxes.

Municipali­ties currently get half of value-added tax revenue and 40 percent of personal income tax, while the central government gets most corporate income tax and all of what China calls a consumptio­n tax, currently levied on producers and importers.

The advisers did not give figures on the future division of tax income between central and local government­s.

But they said local government­s may be allowed to keep most of the consumptio­n tax — which accounts for almost a tenth of China’s total tax revenues — and more of the valueadded tax — which accounts for more than a third.

Proposals also include Beijing taking over growing commitment­s on pensions and health care as the population ages.

The aim is to stop municipal debt accumulati­on by balancing revenues with expenditur­e, the advisers said.

“Local government­s’ spending should be based on their fiscal capacity,” said a second adviser. “A mature society no longer needs to find special ways to build more infrastruc­ture.”

The fiscal overhaul will likely stop short of addressing other structural imbalances, such as an overrelian­ce on investment and exports and weak household consumptio­n, analysts say.

China taxes capital gains at 20 percent. While subject to many exemptions, it is also lower than the 30 percent in India and 37 percent in the United States.

But investment yields dwindling returns, as evidenced by debt significan­tly outgrowing China’s gross domestic product for the past 15 years.

Therefore, tax revenue is also low. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund calculates China’s tax-toGDP ratio at 14 percent, versus a 23 percent average for the Group of Seven developed economies.

This makes social spending difficult to fund without raising taxes on capital or businesses. Taxing households more is a difficult propositio­n, as China’s upper personal income tax band is among the world’s steepest, at 45 percent.

The difference between how capital and labor are taxed encourages low wages and high investment.

But reversing that runs counter to Beijing’s strategic goals of global industrial and technologi­cal leadership, which channel resources to factories and science laboratori­es, rather than consumers.

“Tax reforms should support industrial developmen­t,” said policy adviser Jia Kang, founding president of the China Academy of New Supply-Side Economics.

 ?? AFP-Yonhap ?? A woman walks past a housing complex under constructi­on by Chinese property developer Country Garden in Tianjin, China, June 5.
AFP-Yonhap A woman walks past a housing complex under constructi­on by Chinese property developer Country Garden in Tianjin, China, June 5.

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