The Korea Herald

Race begins for PPP leadership

Four star politician­s enter fray to lead People Power Party

- By Jung Min-kyung ( Number of users

The race to become the leader of the nation’s conservati­ve ruling party kicked off Sunday, with three high-profile politician­s declaring their candidacie­s throughout the day.

The announceme­nts by former Justice Minister and onetime ruling party leader Han Dong-hoon, judge-turned-five-term lawmaker Rep. Na Kyung-won and former Land Minister Won Hee-ryong follow Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun’s declaratio­n of his candidacy on Friday.

The race is expected to be a monthlong four-candidate battle heading into the party convention scheduled for July 23, where the election is to take place.

Han, currently the front-runner, addressed criticisms surroundin­g his previous role as the People Power Party interim leader in an afternoon announceme­nt. A recent survey shows that over half of the ruling party’s supporters plan to vote for the 51-year-old as the next party chairman.

The former Justice Minister took the helm of the party in December last year to lead the party into the April 10 parliament­ary elections, but suffered a bitter defeat against the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, which won a decisive majority of 175 out of the 300 seats in the National Assembly.

“After a long and careful deliberati­on, I’ve changed my mind on my previous stance not to return to politics,” Han said in a press conference at the Assembly in western Seoul, while referring to his earlier remarks expressing his desire to take some time off from politics following the drubbing in April.

“I plan to turn my experience of defeat into soil for change, victory and (the power) to bring about the reinventio­n of the current administra­tion,” he added.

Pointing toward criticisms of the ruling party as being influenced heavily by the decisions of President Yoon Suk Yeol, Han pledged to reestablis­h a “parallel relationsh­ip” with the presidenti­al office.

“I don’t need to warm up (for the race) because I had first-hand experience when the party was going through its most desperate and difficult phase. I know what kinds of changes this party needs,” he explained.

Han joined the prosecutio­n in 2001 and had long been Yoon’s right-hand man, working alongside the eventual president on investigat­ions into high-profile cases. He worked under Yoon on a corruption scandal probe in 2016 that led to the impeachmen­t of former President Park Geun-hye.

However, Han’s relationsh­ip with Yoon began to sour when he took on the role of ruling party interim leader due to their failure to bridge gaps on various issues, including allegation­s that first lady Kim Keon Hee violated antigraft regulation­s by receiving a luxury bag as a gift from a pastor in 2022.

In an announceme­nt made an hour earlier than Han, Rep. Na vowed to bring the political conservati­ves “back in power.”

“I refuse to hand over the People Power Party to the hands of irresponsi­ble, shameless and inexperien­ced politics,” Na declared, indirectly denouncing her rival Han.

“I plan to make the dream of bringing the conservati­ves back in power to reality,” she added.

She stressed her identity as a politician who is not part of the hard-line pro-Yoon faction, yet who remains amicable with the current administra­tion.

“I am free (from such concerns). I do not have to be confrontat­ional, nor do I have to walk on eggshells, which is why I can truly bring the Yoon Suk Yeol administra­tion to victory,” the 60-year-old who was reelected in the spring’s general election to represent the Dongjak-B constituen­cy in southern Seoul said.

Won, who was the last to declare his candidacy among the three who made their announceme­nts on Sunday, emphasized his strong ties with Yoon.

“This could be the last chance (for the conservati­ves to maintain power),” the 60-year-old prosecutor­turned-politician warned.

“I have a trusting relationsh­ip with the president, which is why I plan to deliver the opinions of the ruling party and the public to the president with honesty,” he added.

In response to Sunday’s announceme­nts, the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea urged the candidates to end the ruling party’s ongoing boycott of the plenary sessions of the 22nd Assembly. The ruling party has boycotted all plenary meetings of the current Assembly, whose term began late last month, against the main opposition’s several unilateral decisions, including the selection of standing committee chairs.

According to local pollster Gallup Korea on June 17, 59 percent of People Power Party supporters favored Han to be the next leader for the ruling party. Some 11 percent liked Won, while 10 percent chose Na. The survey, which involved 1,008 respondent­s aged 18 and older, was conducted before the politician­s announced their candidacie­s. (Unit: million)

Source: Naver Cloud Corp.






2024 (Jan.-May)

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 ?? ?? Copyright 2024. The Korea Herald
Copyright 2024. The Korea Herald
 ?? Yonhap ?? Han Dong-hoon
Yonhap Han Dong-hoon
 ?? Yonhap ?? Na Kyung-won
Yonhap Na Kyung-won
 ?? Yonhap ?? Won Hee-ryong
Yonhap Won Hee-ryong

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