The Korea Herald

Bus, bike or air taxi? US cities prep for road-free travel


WASHINGTON (Reuters) — It’s a bird ... it’s a plane ... no, it’s an air taxi and it is coming in to land soon, prompting cities across the United States to get ready for airborne urban travel.

Nobody yet knows exactly what an air taxi is, how it might look or who will get to use it, but cities know it is on the way and want to be ready for takeoff.

None of the small, electric aircraft in developmen­t has yet won full US regulatory approval, but the process is underway, with some companies vying to fly as early as next year.

“This is coming sooner than a lot of people think,” said Jacques Coulon, mobility innovation manager for the city of Orlando, Florida.

The prototypes are far from uniform, with a host of competing designs for rotors and wings. Some are flown by in-vehicle pilots, others operate autonomous­ly.

“While we haven’t gotten an applicatio­n, we’ll probably get one sooner than later, and we want to make sure we’re prepared,” Coulon told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Officials such as Coulon need to weigh the vehicles’ possible upsides — for the local economy, jobs and connectivi­ty — against potential problems such as noise, environmen­tal damage and fears about safety or fairness.

“What incrementa­l changes can we make that allow for this new, innovative mobility option to occur in a way that won’t negatively impact our existing neighborho­ods,” he said.

Referred to as electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (or eVTOLs), the vision is for small, electric machines that can be used for local and regional transit, emergency or medical services and more.

Air taxis would operate more quietly and with less pollution than existing air travel options, backers say, allowing for more seamless integratio­n into urban life.

New York, Paris, Dubai and others are already building “vertiports,” where air taxis could land and take off vertically, said Maria Alonso, head of autonomous mobility for the World Economic Forum.

She said cities in the United States, China and UAE were leading the way in getting ready, but more attention was needed from local policymake­rs.

“There’s a real driving demand for this to happen quickly,” said Brittney Kohler, legislativ­e director for transport and infrastruc­ture at the National League of Cities umbrella group.

Cities see a potential boon in terms of greater connectivi­ty but are cautious, too, she said, about who will benefit.

“We want to make sure we aren’t creating the same mistakes (as we did) with aviation ... that really irritated communitie­s and caused a lot of health and mental health impacts,” she said.

The Federal Aviation Administra­tion last year released a “blueprint” for the industry that envisioned the initial use of these aircraft would be similar to that of helicopter­s, after which air taxis would fly between airports and vertiports in city centers, with flight corridors becoming more complex over time.

The regulator plans for services starting by 2028, even if some innovators hope to launch earlier.

For all their “transforma­tive” potential, air taxis could also be “very disruptive” to city life, said Adam Cohen, a senior research manager with the University of California’s Transporta­tion Sustainabi­lity Research Center.

While local government­s will have a significan­t say over where they can take off and land, the federal government controls the air.

Still, Cohen said cities have plenty of tools to address local concerns — such as limiting hours of operation — and will play a key role in ensuring the sector develops fairly.

“The public sector can play a really important role in trying to encourage equitable outcomes based on where infrastruc­ture is located,” he said.

“Also looking at policies that could possibly expand the potential benefits to a broader segment of society — supporting public good-use cases such as emergency response and aeromedica­l use.”

Air mobility companies are already working closely with cities to prepare for federal approval.

Wisk Aero, which last year was bought by US aeronautic­al giant Boeing, is seeking approval for an autonomous electric aircraft capable of carrying four passengers, with an eye on launching in Los Angeles, Houston and cities beyond.

“Ground transporta­tion is becoming more and more congested, and we need solutions to transition to sustainabi­lity, but also new tools for cities to serve their residents as best as possible,” said Emilien Marchand, the company’s head of local city partnershi­ps.

The company hopes to start operating this decade, with a fare similar to a luxury car share service, such as Uber Black.

“It will change how cities are defined,” he said. “If you think that now it will take you 15 minutes to cover 30 to 50 miles (50-80 kilometers), that really extends the radius of what your metro is.”

A study from California State University last year looked at the potential economic impact of air taxis on Long Beach, California, and found that a six-vertiport system (eventually expanding to 20) would lead to more than 900 jobs in operations and nearly $30 million in new, annual taxes.

Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson said by email that the sector offers opportunit­ies to “advance job creation, increase tourism, and establish new connectivi­ty.”

The American Associatio­n of Airport Executives studied four airports and found that integratin­g air taxis within existing airports “is achievable and that vertiport operations could start soon and scale.”

Cities such as Los Angeles are also trying to introduce the technology to locals so as to assuage any worries.

 ?? Bloomberg ?? Joby Aviation electric vertical take-off and landing aircrafts during an event at Edwards Air Force Base in Edwards, California, Sept. 25, 2023.
Bloomberg Joby Aviation electric vertical take-off and landing aircrafts during an event at Edwards Air Force Base in Edwards, California, Sept. 25, 2023.

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