The Korea Herald

Dangerous cooperatio­n

An elevated partnershi­p between NK, Russia heralds greater geopolitic­al risks


North Korean leader Kim Jongun and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new “comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p” treaty in Pyongyang on Wednesday, a developmen­t that has triggered concerns about heightened geopolitic­al tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Under the comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p, North Korea and Russia agreed to offer military assistance “without delay” by mobilizing all means possible if either is attacked, according to the full text of the treaty disclosed by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

After the rare summit where the two leaders “exchanged their pentup inmost thoughts,” Kim declared the North’s relations with Russia have been elevated to “the level of alliance,” while Putin did not go so far as clarifying the new relations as an alliance — a higher level than a comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p.

Despite different tones on the new relationsh­ip, Putin’s first visit to Pyongyang in 24 years for the highprofil­e summit does send loud alarms to South Korea, the United States and other allies regarding the ulterior motives behind the newly signed treaty.

Speculatio­n has mounted that Russia wants North Korea to provide convention­al weapons, including the artillery shells it badly needs for its prolonged war in Ukraine. In return, North Korea wants to receive highend Russian military technology, such as nuclear weapons designs and satellite tech.

South Korean and US officials previously accused North Korea of having sent containers filled with weapons to Russia. Both Pyongyang and Moscow have denied trading arms.

But the possibilit­y remains, as Putin said that Russia does not rule out developing military-technical cooperatio­n with North Korea according to the signed agreement. “Pyongyang has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability, ensure national security and protect sovereignt­y,” Putin said.

The Kim-Putin summit came at a time when Russia’s war in Ukraine has been dragging on, the US presidenti­al election approaches and China continues to expand its influence in Asia and beyond.

On Wednesday, the US expressed that growing ties between Pyongyang and Moscow is a trend of “great concern” to those interested in maintainin­g peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

For the US, Russia’s move to step up military cooperatio­n with North Korea looks doubly dangerous. First, the North’s convention­al weapons, if provided to Russia, could help Putin shore up his war drive in Ukraine. Second, North Korea’s weapons programs, if advanced through Russia’s help, could pose greater regional and possibly global security risks.

Some experts say that Putin is just using the threat of technology transfer to keep South Korea from offering direct support to Ukraine. There are also doubts about whether Putin will actually help the North expand its nuclear weapons, even though it recently vetoed a UN resolution for a panel of experts monitoring sanctions on North Korea.

China’s role is another factor to watch following the Kim-Putin summit.

A closer military partnershi­p between Russia and North Korea could undermine China’s longstandi­ng position that Pyongyang should continue to work as a buffer zone against the US-allied South Korea. In this regard, China does not want to see its influence over North Korea diminish.

Deepening cooperatio­n between Kim and Putin is an ominous developmen­t for the South Korean government, which is trying to deal with intensifyi­ng provocatio­ns from the North, such as the recent trashcarry­ing balloon launches and brief crossings of North Korean soldiers into the South.

There are already talks about a return to the confrontat­ions and security risks of the Cold War on the Korean Peninsula. The South Korean government must strengthen multilater­al diplomatic efforts to keep the dangerous Pyongyang-Moscow cooperatio­n at bay, working closely with the US and other allies and sending a clear message about red lines to deter the North’s provocatio­ns.

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