The Korea Herald

The real government conspiracy isn’t about UFOs

- By Tyler Cowen

Three months ago, following last summer’s congressio­nal hearings on UFOs, the Pentagon’s AllDomain Anomaly Resolution Office issued a 63-page report evaluating almost 80 years of evidence. Its conclusion — not altogether surprising, given the name of the office — can be summarized as follows: Not much to see here. Please move on.

(The actual language from the report, “AARO has not discovered any empirical evidence that any sighting of a UAP represente­d offworld technology or the existence a classified program that had not been properly reported to Congress.”)

The Senate Intelligen­ce Committee isn’t buying it. The Intelligen­ce Authorizat­ion Act, which it passed this month, among other things calls for review of the AllDomain Anomaly Resolution Office. The bill would also limit research into what are now called UAPs (for unidentifi­ed anomalous phenomena) unless Congress is informed and add whistleblo­wer protection­s for anyone who might wish to step forward and speak their minds.

Less plausible claims about UAPs have been achieving greater circulatio­n in part because of the efforts of David Grusch, who testified before Congress last year about hidden alien bodies, crashed vehicles and secret conspiraci­es. Those claims, which primary witnesses have not corroborat­ed, defy belief, and the ensuing controvers­y has helped make concerns about UAPs appear silly.

Nonetheles­s, the truth remains that there are systematic sightings and sensor data of fastmoving entities that the government cannot explain. You don’t have to think they are space aliens to realize that they are threats to national security. At the very least, the mere fact that some experience­d military pilots entertain the more speculativ­e alien-linked hypotheses suggests that the military is not processing informatio­n effectivel­y. Does it make anyone feel better when reports from pilots are dismissed as crazy?

UAPs will remain an issue as long as China and Russia (and possibly other nations) remain national security threats, because the US military will always want to identify possible entrants to its airspace. No report or bureaucrat­ic process can make those concerns go away. And so there is a kind of paralyzed equilibriu­m, where a very strong force — the desire to know — has met an immovable object — a lack of knowledge.

In this sense, the frustratio­n of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee — as expressed by its unanimous 17-0 vote — is understand­able. The Pentagon’s report presents many of the weaker UAP allegation­s and notes that there is no serious evidence to back them up. And it simply dismisses some of the stronger UAP puzzles, such as the Nimitz or Gimbal incidents.

It is not until Page 26 that the report concedes: “A small percentage of cases have potentiall­y anomalous characteri­stics or concerning characteri­stics. AARO has kept Congress fully and currently informed of its findings. AARO’s research continues on these cases.” Those sentences should have been on the first page, and then the report should have presented the evidence about those cases. If this were an undergradu­ate term paper, I would have given it a D+.

The chatter among insiders, some of which surely reaches senators, is that some of the data is very hard to explain. Some people, such as John Brennan, former head of the CIA, have even speculated that the available evidence might imply contact with a nonhuman civilizati­on. Agree or disagree, the admission is a marker of our ignorance.

The conspiracy, to the extent there is one, is not to suppress evidence of different life forms; it is to avoid admitting the embarrassi­ng absence of any real answers. So at the very least, the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee deserves credit for reopening the issue.

It can be hard to wrap your head around such huge questions. People are often more concerned with dismissing the possibilit­y of alien life than with admitting the possibilit­y of genuine uncertaint­y. And since even partial evidence of aliens might scare the public too much, there is an overriding incentive to keep matters under wraps.

When I think about all this, I try to keep two questions separate. First, is there a major puzzle to account for? And second, what is the best explanatio­n for that puzzle? It helps to focus on the first question in isolation, since we can’t seem to keep our heads on straight when it comes to the second.

By admitting that there is a real puzzle to be solved, the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee has moved decisively to answer the first question. Once we clarify exactly what the puzzle is, maybe we’ll be able to make some progress in explaining it.

Tyler Cowen is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, a professor of economics at George Mason University and host of the Marginal Revolution blog. The views expressed here are the writer’s own. — Ed.

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