The Korea Herald

Real winners of European election


The way to defeat the populist far right, it seems, is to oppose it tooth and nail. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk can attest to that. Since ousting Poland’s populist Law and Justice (PiS) party from power last fall, he has been uncompromi­sing in opposing the anti-democratic illiberali­sm that it represents. And in the European Parliament election, his Civic Coalition (KO) had the best performanc­e of all major mainstream parties in the EU, securing a surprising 37.1 percent of the vote.

To be sure, the result confirms the enduring strength of PiS’s populist base. Even with a low turnout in the countrysid­e, the party can count on a minimum of 30 percent support. Tusk succeeded not because PiS has grown substantia­lly weaker, but because he made this election about the very fate of the European Union. He framed it as a contest between his coalition and all parties — not just PiS — that oppose the EU.

Within Poland, KO’s victory should improve the chances of its likely presidenti­al candidate, Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowsk­i, in next year’s election. A Trzaskowsk­i victory over the incumbent, PiS stalwart Andrzej Duda, is crucial to reversing the damage done after PiS’s near decade in power.

KO’s success has implicatio­ns for all of Europe. Following the defeat of French President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissanc­e party, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition, and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s Socialists, Poland’s influence as a representa­tive of the European center has grown significan­tly. Tusk is now the de facto (winningest) leader of the largest faction in the European People’s Party (EPP), the pan-European grouping of mainstream conservati­ves and centrists that won the most seats overall.

But this is not to suggest that Tusk’s victory was exceptiona­l. For all the fears of a far-right wave, there was no Europe-wide illiberal revolution. The same centrist parties that have controlled the European Parliament for many years retained a safe majority of 453 seats (out of 720). Though populists won in France (spectacula­rly), Italy, and Austria, they will not hold enough seats to reverse or fundamenta­lly change EU policy. Moreover, the far right is itself divided between several factions.

In Germany, the Greens and the Free Democrats have been weakened, but the center-right Christian Democrats remain strong within the EPP. And since a majority coalition is unlikely — if not impossible — without the EPP’s participat­ion, Ursula von der Leyen’s position as president of the European Commission is probably safe. Operating from the center, she will be able to build different coalitions to address controvers­ial issues — for example, by relying on the right on immigratio­n, and on the left with respect to green policy.

The biggest concern for Europe now lies in France, which can export chaos to the rest of the EU. Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally beat Macron’s party by a two-to-one margin. Macron will now face three years of paralysis and dysfunctio­n before the next French presidenti­al election. Macron has already responded by announcing a snap parliament­ary election. While Le Pen’s favored candidates are almost certain to win the largest share of support in many first-round votes, the second round is what matters.

One big problem for Macron is that he is now the far left’s bete noire. Unlike in the past, there is no guarantee that a majority of French voters will unite against far-right candidates in the second round.

The Macronists thus have already signaled that they will not field their own candidate in races where a candidate representi­ng the broader left stands a good chance of beating Le Pen’s candidate. They also will be betting on the assumption that voters tend to behave more “irresponsi­bly” in European elections than they do in national elections.

If Le Pen does win a majority in the French parliament, Macron will be stuck with a hostile cohabitati­on arrangemen­t. Though he will still represent France at the European Council, Le Pen’s allies may represent the country at various sectoral councils. These changes would not yet alter France’s overall position in the EU, however, because many decisions require a majority, not unanimity; Le Pen’s ministers may simply end up on the losing side of the vote.

For his part, Macron seems to have judged that a Le Pen victory in the snap election is worth the risk. Giving her party control over parliament — and thus a responsibi­lity to demonstrat­e leadership, rather than merely sniping from the opposition seats — could well bleed it of support over the next three years. And if Le Pen fails to win a majority, the task of forming a new government will return to Macron, who could still form a minority government with tacit parliament­ary backing. In this scenario, Macron would have many opportunit­ies to rebuild his support in the coming years, because the French system affords the president far-reaching powers, including the authority to pass a budget by decree.

In sum, while the far right is celebratin­g for now, this was no illiberal sea change. Once again, Tusk has shown that right-wing populists can be beaten back.

Slawomir Sierakowsk­i, the founder of the Krytyka Polityczna movement, is a Mercator senior fellow. The views expressed here are the writer’s own. — Ed.

(Project Syndicate)


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