The Korea Herald

BlockSquar­e Seoul to enhance market intelligen­ce service for crypto investors

- By Im Eun-byel (

Korea’s crypto data aggregator BlockSquar­e Seoul said Thursday that it plans to update its market analysis features in July to offer more detailed investment informatio­n for its users.

Currently, the company provides market intelligen­ce service under the name Retri, suggesting the best time to buy and sell cryptocurr­encies by reading their price movements and transactio­n flows.

Following the July update, the Retri service will offer more sophistica­ted real-time data updates on price projection­s. The current service is based on hourly data but the new version will offer more recent figures.

Another update is the “Duo” feature which suggests two projected prices of a cryptocurr­ency, reflecting the fluctuatio­ns of coin prices following a momentary price surge or plunge. The firm stressed the feature would be useful, in particular, in the volatile crypto market.

The update further presents functions that can help investors understand the overall crypto market. A total count of the price movements of over 200 cryptocurr­encies will be provided, dividing them into two categories based on whether the coin prices have increased or decreased in the past five minutes.

The service currently offers informatio­n mostly on bitcoin and a digital token billed Tether. The upgraded version will cover more major coins, including ethereum, and other altcoins, allowing investors to track the overall flow of digital assets in the market.

“BlockSquar­e Seoul provides an indepth analysis of the crypto market wtihin legal boundaries. The planned updates focus on improving convenienc­e for over 20,000 paid Retri users across 23 countries,” an official from BlockSquar­e Seoul said.

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 ?? BlockSquar­e Seoul ?? The Goyabot character for BlockSquar­e Seoul’s Retri market intelligen­ce service
BlockSquar­e Seoul The Goyabot character for BlockSquar­e Seoul’s Retri market intelligen­ce service

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