The Korea Herald

Haiti council appoints Cabinet


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haiti’s transition­al council appointed a new Cabinet on Tuesday, marking the final step in rebuilding the government that will lead a country under siege by gangs.

Government spokespers­on Kettia Marcellus confirmed the existence of the new Cabinet and its ministers to The Associated Press.

Carlos Hercules, the attorney for Prime Minister Garry Conille, was appointed as minister of justice and public security. Conille himself will be the interior minister. Jean Marc Berthier Antoine will be the defense minister.

Haiti struggles with gangs that control at least 80 percent of the capital of Port-au-Prince. It is preparing for the United Nations-backed deployment of a police force from Kenya expected in the coming weeks.

Weeks of coordinate­d attacks by gangs forced former Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign in April, and his Cabinet was dissolved. Gunmen took control of police stations, opened fire on the main internatio­nal airport that remained closed for nearly three months and stormed Haiti’s two biggest prisons.

More than 2,500 people were killed or injured in the first three months of the year and more than half a million others displaced. Conille has pledged to crack down on the violence.

Dominique Dupuy, a UNESCO ambassador who was once a member of the transition­al council before resigning, will be foreign affairs minister. She resigned in part because of political attacks and death threats.

The new Cabinet has four women. Critics note that Haiti’s government barely has female representa­tion. One woman with non-voting powers sits on the transition­al council, and no women were interviewe­d for the post of prime minister.

“It is an insult to the 6 million women and girls in Haiti whose participat­ion is necessary for the transition’s success,” said Pascale Solages of Neges Mawon, a Haitian feminist organizati­on.

The new prime minister has publicly acknowledg­ed that women should in government.

“In this pivotal moment in Haiti’s democracy, we are being given nothing but a chance to watch men make decisions from the observer seat,” said Rosy Auguste Ducena of the National Human Rights Defense Network.

Others in the new Cabinet include Ketleen Florestal, minister of economy and finance. She takes charge as Haiti has deepening poverty, with inflation reaching nearly 30 percent in recent years. People continue to lose their jobs due to gang violence, which has forced businesses to close. Florestal previously worked at the World Bank as an adviser to the executive director for Haiti.

Antoine Augustin will be the education minister. Hundreds of schools in Port-au-Prince remain closed because of gang violence.

One thing that stands out about many of the ministers appointed to the new Cabinet is the relative obscurity of their names, said Michael Deibert, author of “Notes From the Last Testament:




The Struggle for Haiti,” and “Haiti Will Not Perish: A Recent History.”

“There is a smattering of people with internatio­nal experience … but still, there are not a lot of immediatel­y recognizab­le highlevel names from within Haitian politics,” he said. “Some people might think that’s a good thing.”

He noted that while Dupuy will oversee one of the more important ministries, and that the compositio­n of the Cabinet is an improvemen­t over that of the council, “which appears not to be of the modern world, quite frankly, it’s still a low representa­tion of women given how many ministries there are.”

It was not immediatel­y clear when the new Cabinet would be sworn in.

The work of the transition­al council, however, is not done. It is tasked with appointing a provisiona­l electoral commission, a requiremen­t before general elections can take place. The council’s non-renewable mandate expires Feb. 7, 2026, when a new president is scheduled to be sworn in.

 ?? Reuters-Yonhap ?? A police officer stands guard near a local hospital where Haiti’s interim Prime Minister Garry Conille is hospitaliz­ed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday.
Reuters-Yonhap A police officer stands guard near a local hospital where Haiti’s interim Prime Minister Garry Conille is hospitaliz­ed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday.

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