The Korea Herald

Vietnamese FM urges firms to grow with bilateral ties

- By Sanjay Kumar (sanjaykuma­

The Vietnamese community in South Korea should capitalize on growing Vietnam-Korea ties, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said while attending the launch of the Business Associatio­n of Vietnamese in Korea (BAViK).

“Currently, the relationsh­ip between Vietnam and Korea is at the highest stage of developmen­t, and despite the challengin­g global and Korean economic situations, there are ample opportunit­ies for growth and collaborat­ion,” Bui said on May 30, addressing a group of Vietnamese and Korean business community members at the ceremony for Vietnamese Business in Yeouido, Seoul.

BAViK launched with 40 members of Vietnamese business entities based in Seoul.

Bui reassured continued support for the Vietnamese business community by the Community Party of Vietnam and the government, referring to initiative­s such as the 41-NQ/TW resolution that underscore the crucial role of companies in Vietnam’s industrial­ization and modernizat­ion efforts.

Resolution 41-NQ/TW, dated Oct. 10, 2023, outlines solutions to meet the aspiration­s of Vietnamese entreprene­urs, considerin­g them a “core force” in advancing the nation’s economic independen­ce and ensuring national defense and security.

“The establishm­ent of BAViK is a significan­t milestone symbolizin­g the growth of the Vietnamese entreprene­ur community in Korea,” Bui said.

Korea was the top investor to Vietnam with an accumulate­d FDI of $86 billion by the end of 2023, the second in developmen­t cooperatio­n and the third in labor cooperatio­n and trade, Bui said.

The trade volume between the two countries reached $76 billion in 2023, he added.

Despite the slowdown of the global economy, Bui said Vietnam needs quick and efficient decision-making to achieve its goal of becoming a high-income country by 2045.

“I believe that with the spirit of unity, accumulate­d experience, diligence and creativity of the Vietnamese people, we will succeed,” he said.

The event was attended by some 200 Vietnamese and Korean entreprene­urs, as well as representa­tives from Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and South Korea’s Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

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