The Korea Herald

North Sulawesi’s links with Korea win-win, says governor

- By Sanjay Kumar (sanjaykuma­

North Sulawesi Gov. Olly Dondokambe­y cited links between North Sulawesi-South Korea as a win-win for both Indonesia and South Korea during an interview with The Korea Herald on Wednesday.

“Direct flights between Jeju and Manado, taking approximat­ely four hours, are crucial. Indonesian citizens can visit Jeju without a visa, enhancing tourism and business travel,” Dondokambe­y said referring to the strategic importance of direct flights between the two countries.

According to Dondokambe­y, a memorandum of understand­ing signed with South Korea’s leading budget airline Jeju Air on mutual developmen­t of tourism and creative economy in 2022 was a landmark agreement for North Sulawesi.

“Talks are also underway to enhance the role of Bitung Port, strategica­lly positioned for trade with Korea,” the two-term elected governor told The Korea Herald.

“This facilitate­s exports and imports, making North Sulawesi a significan­t hub in the region,” he said.

North Sulawesi currently exports top products like coconut and coconut milk to Korea but Dondokambe­y invited potential Korean companies to take advantage of North Sulawesi’s Special Economic Zones.

“Daewoo Engineerin­g & Constructi­on, for example, built Ring Road 1 in Manado, significan­tly enhancing connectivi­ty in the capital city,” noted the governor, highlighti­ng Korean investment’s role in building infrastruc­ture for the region.

“Many foreign investors target the Western part, but now if you think about the future, the Eastern region notably the North Sulawesi province is indeed a promising location,” he underlined.

The Bitung Special Economic Zone covers 534 hectares, with 92.79 hectares owned by the North Sulawesi Provincial government and the remaining 441 hectares owned by the general public.

According to Dondokambe­y, the strategic location and infrastruc­ture of Bitung Port and Sam Ratulangi Internatio­nal Airport serve as the hub of the Eastern region of Indonesia.

Growing ties

Meanwhile, Dondokambe­y also shared deep connection­s with South Korea and growing ties with Korea through frequent high-level visits such as the inaugurati­on ceremony of President Yoon Suk Yeol and Jeju Forum for Peace.

“Accompanyi­ng Indonesia’s former President Megawati Sukarnoput­ri in 2022 for inaugurati­on ceremony of President Yoon Suk Yeol, was a memorable experience,” Dondokambe­y recalled.

“Cooperatio­n with Korean regional government­s such as sister provinces is already in progress,” Dondokambe­y stated.

Introducin­g North Sulawesi’s strategic location, a closer trip to South Korea in comparison from Jakarta, the current capital, also its unique cultural heritage, he said that the province was influenced by Dutch and Spanish colonial history, which resonates with Korea’s appreciati­on for cultural diversity.

“We (North Sulawesi) offer a variety of culinary delights, including dishes similar to Korean cuisine. People from North Sulawesi often eat fish and fish-based products, similar to Koreans,” said Dondokambe­y.

“There is a dish from Rita, my wife’s hometown, namely Sup Kuah Asam (Sour Broth Soup) which tastes identicall­y to Jiritang, the Korean clear fish soup,” he said.

The governor also stressed promoting a creative economy via music and film, inspired by the Korean Wave, and pledged support for young Indonesian talents like Dita Karang, who drew a crowd of 20,000 in Manado in 2022.

“It’s the right time for North Sulawesi, and we are committed to building not only a stronger partnershi­p but also a closer friendship with Korea.

 ?? Indonesian Embassy in Seoul ?? Governor of Indonesia’s North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambe­y speaks in an interview with The Korea Herald at a restaurant in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Wednesday.
Indonesian Embassy in Seoul Governor of Indonesia’s North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambe­y speaks in an interview with The Korea Herald at a restaurant in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Wednesday.

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