The Korea Herald

Doctors group accuses firm of ‘illegal’ dissection­s

- By Yoon Min-sik (

A South Korean doctors group said Tuesday it has filed a complaint with local police against a company for providing illegal cadaveric dissection classes for nonmedical personnel with a body donated to a local medical school.

The group Gonguimo, or Doctors’ Associatio­n for Fair Society, filed the complaint with the Seocho Police Station in Seoul related to a local company’s recent anatomy lessons conducted at the Catholic Institute for Applied Anatomy, an affiliate of the Catholic University of Korea’s College of Medicine.

It was recently revealed that an anatomy lesson for those in physical training — such as personal trainers and Pilates instructor­s — was being conducted with an actual human corpse.

Promotiona­l materials for the class show that it was charging 600,000 won ($430) for the class with a “hands-on cadaver,” referring to lessons where one can “directly participat­e,” and 300,000 won for a “screen cadaver” with participat­ion via videoconfe­rence.

“(The company) violated the Act on Dissection and Preservati­on of Corpses, which states in Article 17 that one must respect the dignity of the deceased when handling the corpse,” the group said, accusing the company of not respecting the wishes of the deceased and the bereaved family who donated the body for the advancemen­t of medicine.

The law states that the dissection of corpses must be restricted to doctors and dentists who have substantia­l knowledge and experience, or for medical students under the direction of a professor, associate professor or assistant professor majoring in anatomy, pathology or medical jurisprude­nce.

The dissection class in question involved a CIAA doctor who would lead the dissection. The class was held twice last year, and was set to be held for the first time this year on June 23.

Following the initial reports, the class was canceled and the company on Monday released a statement apologizin­g to the bereaved family of the deceased who had provided the body.

An official from Catholic University told local daily Hankyoreh that the company approached the school with an idea, and the CIAA decided that it would be beneficial to the field of preventive medicine. Preventive medicine refers to the field of applying health care measures to prevent illness, which is possibly why the lesson was conducted for those assisting with physical activity.

Both the company and the school pointed out that the law does not have a clause limiting who gets to observe the dissection of a corpse.

While the company has stressed that people taking the classes were given observer roles in the dissection, the aforementi­oned doctors’ group claimed that “hands-on” means one gets to directly dissect the body with a scalpel as well. The promotiona­l image of the class mentions “direct participat­ion” for the hands-on cadaver course, although it remained unclear if participan­ts were actually involved in dissecting the body.

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