The Korea Herald

Hyundai Elevator marks 40 years with vision for future innovation

- By Kim Hae-yeon (

South Korea’s largest elevator manufactur­er Hyundai Elevator celebrated its 40th anniversar­y on Wednesday, pledging to solidify its path toward becoming a centennial company with a vision centered on ESG management practices and urban air mobility.

“Hyundai Elevator has grown into a cornerston­e of the Korean industry through relentless challenges and innovation­s since honorary chairman Chung Ju-young planted the seeds 40 years ago,” Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun was quoted as saying during a ceremony held at Hyundai Elevator’s Chungju headquarte­rs on Wednesday. “Let’s achieve another miracle of technologi­cal innovation to ensure a century-long legacy, just as we have over the past 40 years.”

The event was attended by over 600 executives and employees, including the chairwoman and Hyundai Elevator CEO Cho Jae-cheon. Also in attendance were local officials such as North Chungcheon­g Province Gov. Kim Young-hwan, lawmaker Lee Jongbae and Chungju Mayor Cho Gilhyung, who joined in celebratin­g Hyundai Elevator’s milestone.

The celebratio­n featured various social events and performanc­es, including a historical video reflecting on the company’s 40 years.

In line with its anniversar­y, Hyundai Elevator declared its ESG management slogan “Elevate Together, Elevate To Better,” emphasizin­g healthy growth of members of its industrial ecosystem, including shareholde­rs, clients, partners and communitie­s.

The celebrator­y choir performanc­e was conducted by a choir establishe­d through Hyundai Elevator’s agreement with the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabiliti­es, aimed at promoting employment opportunit­ies for disabled individual­s.

Executives and employees participat­ed in the plogging donation campaign in the afternoon, cleaning up the city community while raising funds based on the number of steps taken during the activity. The funds raised will be donated to support children with diseases and provide scholarshi­ps for students.

“If the past 40 years were about catching up with global companies, the future will be about setting standards,” the CEO was quoted as saying, while emphasizin­g employees to move forward together towards a future where the company can grow with communitie­s and continue to innovate.

Founded in 1984, Hyundai Elevator saw significan­t growth from 1989 under the leadership of the late Chairman Chung Monghun. It expanded internatio­nally in 1993 with the establishm­ent of Shanghai Hyundai Elevator Co., following the production milestone of 10,000 elevators in 1992.

Hyundai Elevator has been a pioneer in the Korean market, achieving numerous firsts, including the machine room-less elevator in 1999, a car-break system in 2001, double-deck elevators in 2015 and jump elevators in 2018.

Hyundai Elevator has also developed some of the world’s fastest elevators, including a 600-meterper-minute elevator in 2009, a 1,080-meter-per-minute double-deck elevator in 2010 and a 1,260-meterper-minute elevator in 2020.

Recently, the company has been at the forefront of integratin­g elevator and robot services, launching the MIRI (Maintenanc­e Innovation and Real-time Informatio­n) service in 2022. The company announced that it is now focusing on future innovation­s with urban air mobility projects, including the introducti­on of H-PORT, a UAM take-off and landing site, garnering global attention.

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 ?? Hyundai Elevator ?? Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun delivers a speech at the 40th anniversar­y event held at Chungju Hyundai Elevator Smart Campus on Wednesday.
Hyundai Elevator Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun delivers a speech at the 40th anniversar­y event held at Chungju Hyundai Elevator Smart Campus on Wednesday.

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