The Korea Herald

Overseas Koreans Agency welcomes adoptees seeking connection to motherland

- By Choi Jeong-yoon (

The Overseas Korean Agency hosted the “2024 Overseas Korean Adoptees Gathering” by cordially inviting overseas Korean adoptees to South Korea for a four-day event that kicked off Tuesday.

Inviting 96 adoptees from 15 countries, the gathering aims to allow the participan­ts to have a chance to feel more attached to their motherland while having them fully engaged in hands-on programs, such as “Talk-show” and “Info-session.”

Under the tagline of “Power of Connection: Together for a Brighter Future,” the gathering is expected to help Korean adoptees with internatio­nal background­s build a strong connection.

In particular, during the fourday program, “Info-session” aims to guide Korean adoptees and their families in obtaining Overseas Korean F-4 visas, while assisting them with finding their biological families.

Moreover, participan­ts will also visit Korean folk villages to experience Korean traditiona­l games and culture as well as tours of major industries of the country.

“The program hopes to enable the invited participan­ts to have a window of opportunit­y to experience an array of Korean culture along with a better understand­ing of Korea,” Lee Key-cheol, commission­er of the Overseas Koreans Agency said during Tuesday’s opening remarks.

“We wish to offer the participan­ts the chance to establish a productive network while fully having an active associatio­n with other participan­ts from all around the world,” Lee added.

Establishe­d in 2023, the Overseas Koreans Agency aims to protect and support some 7 million overseas Koreans while reviewing and coordinati­ng key policy matters to comprehens­ively and systematic­ally implement policies for overseas Koreans.

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