The Korea Herald

University president proposes strategies for AI era

Qatari ambassador calls for Korean companies to expand business horizons at Global Business Forum

- By Choi Jeong-yoon (

President of Taejae University Yeom Jae-ho on Wednesday underscore­d the profound impact Artificial Intelligen­ce has been having and the essential attitudes individual­s must cultivate to thrive in the evolving AI era.

Speaking at The Korea Herald’s Global Business Forum in Seoul, the president of South Korea’s first future innovation university, said this was an era of “VUCA” — Volatility, Uncertaint­y, Complexity, Ambiguity.

Despite this rapid transforma­tion, Yeom highlighte­d a concerning trend: The mindset of today’s populace remains entrenched in 20th-century paradigms, struggling to adapt to the swiftly changing societal landscape.

“We are going through a pivotal phase of human civilizati­on. When describing the year 2024, future generation­s will comment that this is the time when AI emerged in earnest and the world greeted a new paradigm,” noted Yeom during the GBF held in Marina Park, Seoul.

Yeom emphasized the increasing number of sectors AI is impacting, varying from writing sports articles, creating art, singing to playing go. He said by the year 2030, 85 percent of the jobs at the time will be something that did not exist in the 20th century.

To have a safe landing in such changes and be successful, Yeom claimed that one should endeavor to always challenge oneself but also enjoy what they are doing.

“Be a voice, not an echo,” he urged, noting that one has to be autonomous and reclaim a path one is passionate about to be at the center of changes.

Qatar’s Ambassador to South Korea Khalid bin Ebrahim AlHamar, called on South Korean companies to expand their business and investment during the forum mostly attended by CEOs and businesspe­ople of varying industries.

During the forum, primarily attended by CEOs and business leaders from diverse industries, Qatar’s Ambassador to Korea, Khalid bin Ebrahim Al-Hamar, called for South Korean companies to broaden their business reach and investment ventures.

The ambassador underscore­d Qatar’s

stable and resilient economy, abundant incentives for foreign investors, and supportive business environmen­t. Additional­ly, he highlighte­d Qatar’s strategic geographic­al location, solidifyin­g its status as a “business and logistical hub” in the Middle East.

“Therefore, we call on Korean companies and businessme­n to open more businesses in Qatar to benefit from economic growth, economies of scale, financial surpluses and the possible partnershi­ps with their counterpar­ts in the State of Qatar,” the ambassador said.

“It is time for Korean companies to expand their business with their counterpar­ts in Qatar.”

The GBF, organized by The Korea Herald, is an associatio­n of experts from various fields such as business leaders, scholars, diplomats and celebritie­s, who come together to provide comprehens­ive views on industrial changes.

 ?? The Korea Herald ?? Qatar Ambassador to Korea Khalid bin Ebrahim Al-Hamar
The Korea Herald Qatar Ambassador to Korea Khalid bin Ebrahim Al-Hamar
 ?? The Korea Herald ?? President of Taejae University Yeom Jae-ho
The Korea Herald President of Taejae University Yeom Jae-ho
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