The Korea Herald

Expert in archival, book pathology endorses ‘hanji’ UNESCO heritage listing

- By Park Ga-young (

“As someone who has dedicated a lifetime to studying various types of paper for preservati­on and restoratio­n, I definitely see the value in registerin­g ‘hanji’ with UNESCO’s heritage list, and I believe this is very important,” said Maria Letizia Sebastiani, an authoritat­ive figure in the field of archival and book pathology.

The former director of Italy’s National Institute of Historic Heritage Preservati­on and Restoratio­n, known as ICPAL, conveyed this to a group of South Korean reporters on Monday at the Korea Cultural Center in Rome, highlighti­ng the significan­ce of hanji, or traditiona­l Korean mulberry paper. According to Sebastiani, hanji plays a crucial role in reviving faded artifacts, including centuries-old archival materials, books and more.

On March 31, the Cultural Heritage Administra­tion submitted a proposal for the evaluation of the “traditiona­l knowledge and skills associated with the production of hanji and related cultural practices in the Republic of Korea” to be added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

The institute Sebastiani worked for before she retired in December 2020, she explained, does not perform restoratio­ns unless the historical documents it receives are of significan­t value.

Since 2015, the ICPAL, which plays a crucial role in developing methodolog­ies for the preservati­on and restoratio­n of paper-based materials, serving both national heritage and internatio­nal conservati­on efforts, tested many different types of hanji, from various scientific perspectiv­es.

The papers used before hanji always had unsatisfac­tory aspects, but hanji was satisfacto­ry in all respects, thereby replacing “washi,” the traditiona­l Japanese paper, previously used at the ICPAL, Sebastiani said.

First tested in 2015 for physical, chemical, and biological attributes, two types of hanji received certificat­ion in 2016. Since then, the ICPAL has thoroughly vetted and certified a total of five types of hanji, establishi­ng them as a standard for both national and internatio­nal projects in collaborat­ion with the institute.

In 2020, a student published the first Italian paper on hanji. The topic of the paper was how hanji was used to restore Ethiopian documents.

The first restoratio­n work using hanji involved graduate certificat­es from the 17th and 18th centuries issued by one of Italy’s oldest universiti­es, the University of Catania, founded in 1434.

Since then, hanji has been used in major restoratio­n works at the ICPAL, including the Chartula, a 13th-century handwritte­n prayer parchment by St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), a Roman Catholic saint and one of the patron saints of Italy, an illuminate­d Greek Gospel book from the 6th century, and Codex on the Flight of Birds by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Rossano Gospels, a collection of the coat of arms of Sardinia, Music Volume 243 in Casanata Library in Rome, and a painting by Pietro da Cortona, a Baroque artist, are also among the artifacts for which hanji has been used for restoratio­n.

What makes hanji a perfect fit for the task are its very long fibers, Sebastiani said.

“Due to the long fibers, particular­ly during the bundling process in our work, we cannot help but recognize the excellence of hanji. Moreover, hanji is extremely suitable for restoring documents that contain illustrati­ons,” she noted.

The only problem with hanji for restoratio­n and preservati­on purposes is its shortage in supply, she said.

“Fortunatel­y, our research institute receives a sufficient supply of hanji from the Korean government through collaborat­ion, so our restoratio­n work is not significan­tly hindered. However, the problem is that other research institutes in Italy, or those who wish to use hanji, may not be able to obtain the type of hanji certified by us through their own channels,” she noted.

Sebastiani now works for the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, an organizati­on responsibl­e for protecting the copyright of its members, including writers, composers, and publishers, among others.

She noted that the SIAE, which preserves many historical records and owns a large library that houses significan­t historical theater scripts, other historical documents, and over 70,000 classic theatrical production sketches, is trying to obtain hanji from the ICPAL to use for the restoratio­n of works in the SIAE’s vast archive.

“Currently, we are engaged in the restoratio­n and analysis of historical diaries that many people used during their travels in the past. We are also investigat­ing whether these diaries contain any references to Korea as part of our research,” she said.

 ?? Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ?? Maria Letizia Sebastiani presents pages of a book that shows how “hanji” was used to restore and preserve an illuminate­d Greek Gospel book from the 6th century at the Korean Cultural Center in Rome, during a press conference on Monday.
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Maria Letizia Sebastiani presents pages of a book that shows how “hanji” was used to restore and preserve an illuminate­d Greek Gospel book from the 6th century at the Korean Cultural Center in Rome, during a press conference on Monday.

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