The Korea Herald

Korean drug makers flock to lucrative obesity market

- By Shim Woo-hyun (

South Korea’s pharmaceut­ical companies are accelerati­ng the developmen­t of anti-obesity drugs to take share in the rapidly growing market, which is estimated to hit $100 billion by 2030.

Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical is one of a few Korean drug companies that have been pushing ahead with their clinical trials for homegrown anti-obesity drugs. The drug company is currently expected to be the first Korean company that will launch a homegrown anti-obesity drug.

“Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical is the only Korean company that has entered a phase 3 clinical trial for an anti-obesity drug. It will also become the first company to commercial­ize one,” an official from Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical said Wednesday.

Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical’s first anti-obesity drug will be HM11260C (efpeglenat­ide). Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical has been conducting a phase 3 clinical trial for the drug candidate since January last year here, to launch the drug in late 2026 or early 2027, the official added.

Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical is also increasing efforts to develop the nextgenera­tion anti-obesity drugs. On Wednesday, Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical said that the company has received the US Food and Drug Administra­tion’s approval to conduct a phase 1 clinical trial for HM15275, a novel long-acting triple agonist at the glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1), gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) and glucagon receptor.

“HM15275 incorporat­es the research knowledge and know-how that Hanmi has accumulate­d over 20 years of research in the field of incretins,” the official from Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical said.

HK inno.N is also competing with Hanmi Pharmaceut­ical to launch the country’s first anti-obesity drug. HK inno.N has recently jumped into the developmen­t of an anti-obesity drugs with its partnershi­p with Chinese drug company Sciwind Bioscience­s. HK inno. N is expected to save significan­t amount of time by finishing local developmen­t of the partner’s antiobesit­y drug candidate XW003, a candidate that is already under phase 3 clinical trial in China.

Other pharmaceut­ical companies that are testing their anti-obesity drugs include Dong-A ST. Dong-A ST’s US-based subsidiary NeuroBo Pharmaceut­icals started a phase 1 clinical trial for its drug candidate DA-1726 in April this year, after receiving the US FDA approval in January last year.

Yuhan is also expecting positive results from phase 1 clinical trial of YH25724 during this year, which the company out-licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim for W1tr in July 2019.

Another company that has recently jumped into the developmen­t of anti-obesity drugs is HK inno. N. The company has recently partnered with Chinese drug company Sciwind Bioscience­s to develop and commercial­ize the partner’s antiobesit­y drug candidate XW003.

Some companies are developing other forms of weight-loss drugs. Daewoong Pharmaceut­ical is planning on starting a phase 1 clinical trial for its anti-obesity drug candidate using microneedl­es, with a goal of launching it in 2028. Daewon Pharm has also received the Korean government’s approval for a phase 1 clinical study for its antiobesit­y drug utilizing a microneedl­e patch.

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